
Friday, April 07, 2006

Hate Mail

Got a scaving reply to my Fox blog, a harmless post a couple of days ago about Bobby Dews (see it below). I considered it hilarious, and wrote a quick reply. I attached it below, or you can read the entire thing here

The guy was named chudsucks (does that have an added meaning I’m not wise to?). Normally you can link directly to the blog of the commenter, to see what they’re about, but you can’t with this guy (a coward?).

He writes...
Dude, your name is DMurphy. That's just like Dale Murphy. Obviously you're just a huge tool. Here are all the reasons why you're just an arm of the conspiracy:
1. You're an Atlanta fan. Atlanta has won 14 straight pennants because they're the center of the red-state South. Atlanta is thusly permitted to win baseball pennants each year in order to assure that the votes in the South stay Republican and keep Bush in the White House.
2. You're a "Braves" fan. How could it be anymore obvious? You're basically cheering for a team that has an oppressed minority as its mascot. The fact that you cheer for such a team is evidence that you're willing to exploit minorities for your own gain and that you are, therefore, a racist.
3. Your obsession with Bobby Dews indicates that you hate old people. Well, you know what, they hate you too. And they have more money than you.
4. I noticed you page background is white. Coincidence? I don't think so.
5. Baseball is just a game of the upper class when they're not too busy exploiting slave labor in 3rd world countries. You're crazy obsession with America's (read: The Imperialist Empire's) pasttime shows that you're nothing but an ehtnocentric BLEEP.
6. The Braves refused to give Shirley Lawson, a star catcher from the Westwood Jumbos softball team, a tryout. It's evidence that the Braves are a part of the male partriarchal conspiracy and that you merely reaffirm said oppression. Fight the power.

I replied...
Guilty on all counts!
I'm starting to have more in common with older people than the young, I hate to admit. Braves fans hated to see Julio Franco move on, as endearing a fellow and teammate he is. We knew this, but only now that he is playing in New York is the national (anti-Braves) media pick up on this. The Braves won 14 straight (I know, only one world championship), but almost every year the media picks someone else. (like the Mets or Phillies). Should I change my blog name away from DMurphy? It gets me readers, though I never thought I needed a shtick.

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