
Wednesday, August 01, 2007


As much as Ceil, Matthew, and I hate it, we're considering leaving NP and going to Johnson Ferry (or smaller East Cobb Presbyterian, on 120 across from The Avenue)...for the kids. Like most decisions we're taking our time, so we'll see. I've been going to church as my life, and no one preaches better than Andy...

Will and Anna aren't that crazy about their NP classes. To me they're light years better than most normal churches. Anna may not have had the best group leader, though usually it's someone young, usually a teenager. Will has had a great group leader for several year, who will email and call, and even came to see Will play. Will likes the group leader, but doesn't have much in common with the others in his small group. Will says he doesn't like the music, which is probably a harder core version of what we have in the service.

It seems kids care much more about being in the same group/class with friends than they care about the quality of the program. Will has his good friends at EC...boys from baseball and school, including all the Norman boys. The Normans visited several churches and liked that one best. Becky was even in a small group with three couples we knew...including a couple from baseball that had also just started going there...Coach Henry. Anna and Will (and Matthew) all have friends at JF as well.

The move may be moot, as I may have heard Ceil agreeing to help in a younger class at NP.

Interesting parking / traffic dynamic at NP...the church attracts type A mover/shaker personalities (many with W stickers on the back)...which often translates to aggressive BWM-type drivers, as I call them. Going to church my pet peeve is where often a line of cars back up on Old Milton and NP Parkway...several drivers will drive past many cars to get to the front of the line (on the left on Old Milton, and on the right on NP Parkway) then signal or wedge their way in. Sometimes on NP Parkway I'll skip ahead on the right, and only merge left IF there's an opening, as there often is. If no opening I'll go on to the second drive.

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