
Monday, December 22, 2008

A Child Named...Dave

Took off Friday. Went to bed Thursday night and realized Friday AM would be a good day to take the van to the shop, so I got up early. They were able to get it fixed for not too much money. Later “the ogre” called, telling me about the EZGo “emergency” of the day. Had to spend a little time on the phone with co-workers, but it wasn’t too big of a deal.

Late Friday afternoon we went with our Johnson Ferry friends to help at the Cobb Civic Center, at the “birthday party for Jesus” …organized by some organization to give gifts to poor children. There were so many people they had to turn some away due to the fire codes. It was good for Matthew and Anna especially. There turned out to be plenty of juiceboxes, cupcakes, and cookies for everyone to have seconds.

Jim and I decided we could best help by being “gate-keepers”…keeping the flow of people orderly and organized. Will and Spencer were at another gate and didn’t understand…they started to let everyone go through their gate too early, and the organizers had to get on the PA to regain order. Each child had to have a nametag to get a gift, which they got when they came in. I’m sure there was some funny-stuff going on with the nametags, but there were plenty of presents. This teen volunteer had a good idea…she gave her nametag to a child who didn’t have one. Later I was able to do the same thing. Wonder if the person passing out presents thought it strange the two-year old Hispanic boy was named “Dave”?

Afterward Anna and her girlfriends went to the small used car lot on Upper Roswell, near the loop, between Pikes and CFA…to get their picture taken with the Santa there. Earlier we had met at the CFA near Johnson Ferry Baptist. The middle school down the road had just let out, and a huge crowd of middle-schoolers trooped in, sitting down without buying anything. Later the owner had to run off two troublemaking skateboarders.

Saturday Ceil shopped and baked cookies until after midnight, which is rare for her. NP was good yesterday, and the January financial series should be good (for Ceil to hear!). Every Sunday when I get to NP early I sit and watch people, like the group of singles that sit near the front. Before the service they also stand around and talk, and most weeks it’s the same cast of characters. Yesterday one of the came and sat next to us, because it was so crowded all his regular seats were taken. He saved a bunch of seats, but no one came, so he gave them up. Turned out to be a nice guy…we chatted for a while on different NP things.

Yesterday Matthew ate too many cookies and got a little crazy. We finally got going on cards. Ceil loves doing stuff like that the hard way, so I was up til midnight. We’ll see if we get any out in the mail today. Those Freund girls sure are big. We haven’t heard from the Coleys.

Today I’ve been making headway all morning.

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