
Monday, February 08, 2010

KidStuf > LS Skit

One of the better Kidstuf’s, I thought. A Taylor Swift song, Monty Python song, silly Lion King puppet show, a working volcano, and a Karate Kid/Peter Cetera ending. That’s what I would’ve made the Living Science skit like, if it were just me. I had wanted to re-write that very Taylor Swift song for our skit. My favorite line was “I’m sure that was funny, for the five people who got it.” Matthew said I was one of the 5 people to get the Monty Python song. I suppose that song spawned the “Spamalot” Broadway musical. I liked the vocal range comment as well. My tall friend David Hurt ran the handheld camera right next to the stage, at least in our Kidstuf. Yesterday Matthew said he wanted to keep going to Kidstuf next year as a 6th grader, even though technically it’s for K-5 kids.

From time to time at NP these two funny guys make videos to show before the service, usually to make a point about something like parking, the offering, turning off cell phones, saving seats, etc. Yesterday they had a video about how the best thing about the Super Bowl was playing outside before the game. The two guys invited a neighbor to play…Jerome Bettis. The Bus dominated.

Wasn’t that crazy about the speaker at NP yesterday. Ceil had heard of him before.

Pulled for the Colts, but no big deal. Missed the Tebow commercial.

Once showed up with shaving creme on my face, in a bathrobe, with pajama pants, houseshoes, and a teddy bear at 7:25 am for a rescheduled 8 am Mighty Mite game. Usually they didn’t start games until 9 or 10, but they needed to add an early game one week. Just did it to be funny.

Tuesday I’m going to John Wayt Jr’s funeral at Peachtree Presbyterian. He was my grandmother’s nephew. My freshman year at Tech I lived at his house in Sandy Springs, not far north of where the Marsh’s lived. He was 82. Graduated from North Fulton, he grew up on Stratford Road, up the road from my grandmother (who lived across the street from Mr. Key). Uncle John was the one Ed Dodd modeled his comic strip character Mark Trail after. His four children went to Westminster. Two live in Atlanta, one in Richmond, and the other in Rhode Island.

Went to the big home-school rivalry basketball game Saturday night. All three kids enjoyed it, with lots of their friends there. Matthew sat in Willis Norman’s lap. The good guys won.

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