
Monday, June 21, 2010

Top Ten Brett Freemon Memories

10. Brett played lots of games at Georgia Tech: Risk, Hearts, Backgammon. Always used the same line from the Superman movie when I conquered my first Risk continent: “Murphy, ruler of Australia…”

9. He always took part in the midnight Saturday night Krispy Kreme run. We’d go as a carload down Ponce to the “mother ship” to pick up the TEN dozen doughnuts, to set out for Sunday morning van pickup at the BSU. We’d eat our fill before hitting the sack, then have more for breakfast. After church we’d return and finish off the rest.

8. Like many of us, Brett entered college with a quite slender build. Thirty years later he’s still skinny. Unlike me. Maybe it was the doughnuts!

7. Does Brett still perform puppet shows? He joined his older brother on the BSU puppet team, as I recall.

6. Brett often joined me cashing in Arby’s coupons, that were regularly found in The Technique, the Tech student newspaper. I can still hear his distinctive “coupon!” call (make him do it for you now!). Since those times, I remained a cheapskate. As a matter of fact, I think I’m getting worse. Over the past thirty years, I’ve continued to blame Brett Freemon for this.

5. At Tech we played whatever sport was in season. Brett’s sport was volleyball, as I recall.

4. He would always sit next to me in the passenger’s seat as I drove to Second-Ponce, or Tuesday night Wendy’s, for all-you-can-eat chili. Brett was always excited about something. Whenever he had an idea, he’d flip out his hand and flick me on the upper arm, exclaiming “Hey!” One day after one too many “Hey!”’s, I finally cracked. Took my arms off the wheel, turned, grabbed Brett, and shook him vigorously, shouting “STOP ITTT!!!” Or not. But the thought crossed my mind!

3. So of course Brett was there the day I ran out of gas, on West Wesley Road near Moore’s Mill. I THINK I was headed to the gas station. Brett always was a great car pusher.

2. Brett was my wing man as we traveled about the state, visiting other BSU’s. Jeff, Keith, and Jim would sing in the quartet (NEVER me or Brett!). We might perform a skit. Is this not how he met Donna, at North Georgia?

1. Come to think of it, just about ALL my Georgia Tech memories include Brett. And that’s a good thing…Brett was a great friend. We had so much fun together!

Happy 50th birthday, Brett! Having crossed this significant passage myself recently, I can assure you that it’s not the end. I’m sure the best is yet to come!

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