
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

ASG: Why I Watch

Didn’t get home until 8:30, then watched the rest of the All-Star Game. Hated missing the pregame. Heard Joe Torre did something. Maybe it will be on YouTube. Ever since I was a kid, the main reason I like the all-star game above everything else is that I get to see all those uniforms in one place. And players wear fancy shoes, that are interesting to see, but I really don’t like. Again, it’s been that way since I was a kid. I loved Dave Concepcion’s red and white adidas…just not with his traditional Reds uniform. But they were great on Dick Allen’s White Sox uni.

I was watching the Fox broadcast, but not hanging on every word. My phone was charging during the game, so I wasn’t monitoring Twitter. I did notice a few clips of Puig has worked their way into the Fox postseason commercial. Only saw a single Braves clip, of the Upton brothers. That old clip of Chipper chugging around the bases is long gone.

Joel Norman performed out in Los Angeles a day or two ago, and his new song “Errant Girlfriend” can be bought on iTunes. His partner is Isaac George, who played baseball with Will.

Tuesday night I ate salad, a couple of pieces of chicken, yogurt, and popcorn.

The past few years we’ve been paying for a special tutor for M. Tuesday night was the final session, so C and I attended. To celebrate, on the way home we got him his favorite: Panda Express Orange Chicken. His fortune was fitting: YOU HAVE THE MAKINGS OF A LEADER. M has had a good summer: he’s as tall as W, he went to Camp Highland and Passion Summer Camp, he’s wearing nicer clothes, he fit in better at the beach, and he’s getting to hang out a lot with his friend Sarah. Hopefully this will carry over to his schoolwork this fall.

Took off Wednesday morning, but worked the afternoon. Discovered there was little oil in my car. Don’t know if that’s why it’s been struggling lately. Got oil changed this morning, but it runs about the same. I get my oil changed at the car wash, so my car will get cleaned at the same time. They still try to get me to buy more stuff, but it’s not as bad.

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