
Friday, May 30, 2014


Over the years working for the same company you get to know people in other cities. I have visited our Charlotte plant several times, and often talk to them on the phone. In 2001 I spent a month in Charlotte converting them to a new computer system. One of the guys I worked most closely with was Mike Nauman, who worked in the same fabrication group as me. Mike’s positive outlook and pleasant demeanor makes him a person you want to hang around. Over a year ago we heard that Mike’s wife was critically ill. What follows is the heartwarming story recently posted on our company website, along with some of the results of the 5K the Charlotte employees participated in.

Ryerson is committed to supporting employees and the community. Below is a story about Mike Nauman, General Manager of Goldsboro and Carolinas-Virginia Plate & Fabrication. On April 26, Ryerson employees in North Carolina joined together in Charlotte one sunny Saturday morning to walk or run a 5k race.

It was a beautiful day to get up and go outside, but the real reason employees came together was Mike Nauman, General Manager of the Goldsboro and Carolinas-Virginia Plate & Fabrication. More specifically, it was for Mike’s wife, Martha. In February 2013, Martha was rushed to the hospital with sepsis, which came several days after contracting bacterial pneumonia. At that time, medication that forced blood from her extremities to her heart to revive her vital organs saved her life, but lack of blood flow in her extremities resulted in the amputation of both feet and complications in her left hand.

An avid athlete, Martha has spent the past year surrounded by family and friends as she recovers and learns to walk again with prosthetics. To continue building hope and encouragement, friends and family asked themselves: what’s the next step toward healing?

“In light of Martha’s love of athletics, in December 2013, her school district came together with an idea to host a 5k walk and run for awareness and to benefit a non-profit of her choosing,” said Mike. “They really wanted to do something for her that she could look forward to (and more importantly to Martha, support the students in Governors Village-Nathaniel Alexander, which is the school where she taught for many years and where the race was physically held). Additionally, our daughter Emily was a huge help, not only in preparing for the race, but being a constant support system for her mother. In terms of a race beneficiary, a natural choice at this time in Martha’s recovery was the Limbs for Life Foundation, a global non-profit organization that provides prosthetic care for those who cannot ordinarily afford it and raise awareness of the challenges facing amputees.”

The event was hosted by Chick-fil-A, as part of the organization’s race series. Ryerson was a primary sponsor at the event, which drew an impressive crowd. Among them were approximately 25 Ryerson employees, including Kevin Richardson, President of the South/East Region. Participating employees wore bright blue, identical shirts to show camaraderie and support for Martha and Mike. 

“We are so thankful for Ryerson’s involvement -- which has been so gracious -- and for the people who came out to support the cause and most importantly, Martha. It was pretty emotional,” said Mike. “Martha walked the entire event over the course of a little over an hour and a half. As we were coming up to the end of the race, the idea came about of her running across the finish line. It was unexpected, and unprecedented, as she was still really getting acclimated to a new way of moving, but she did, and it was unbelievable.”
130 30.53  42 13 Emily Nauman F20-24
136 31.05  92   8 Kevin Richardson M50-54
188 33.59  72   3 Tina Hines F40-44
282 41.47 129 13 Cameron Nauman F10-14
283 41.59 130  7 Lara Nauman F40-44
322 46.09 151 11 Brenda Richardson F50-54
334 47.35 173 13 Will Nauman M0-9
335 47.35 174 15 13 Billy Nauman F40-44
455 59.00 245 25 Marsha Stockunas F35-39
456 59.07 211 20 Duncan Stockunas M0-9
457 59.10 212 18 Jason Stockunas M35-39
458 59.10 213 18 Bob Goulder M50-54
523 1.39.49 292 23 Martha Nauman F50-54
524 1.39.51 232 20 Mike Nauman M50-54

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