
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Hump Day Afternoon

Our GM loved the Hump Day camel commercial, and bought a toy camel to bring out on Wednesdays. A coworker, who has a lot in common with the camel in the commercial, specializes in saying "WHAT DAY IS IT? HUMP DAY!" I try to downplay the whole thing, though I have participated in the ritual camel journey from the GM's office to co-worker's cubicle. Tuesday afternoon after coworker had left I didn't see the camel. I mentioned this to co-worker Chris, Coach O'Leary's daughter. Then she saw me find the camel tucked away in coworker's credenza.

Yesterday morning the GM came over to coworker's desk. He hadn't shown up for work. The GM wasn't concerned about coworker – she was distressed because the camel could not be found. Chris and Godzilla blamed me. I couldn't get a word in edgewise, so finally I dramatically pointed to Chris and loudly proclaimed "SHE LIES!" – similar to Buddy the Elf declaring the department store Santa wasn't real. I had forgotten that the CEO from Chicago was in the room next door.

For some reason Chris got a big kick out of that. BTW: soon she leaves for Ireland, where Central Florida plays Penn State next week.
Above: Eddie Vedder throws out the first pitch - wearing Jordan RCVR shoes very similar to mine.

Several years ago Matthew had a girl baseball teammate: John Fulton's sister Grace White. This spring she was the closer for Kell High's boys JV baseball team. This week she's in California trying out for the USA girl's national baseball team. If she makes the team she'll fly to the Far East for the world tournament. Just found out that she didn't make the team.

Step one complete. Tracked down the artist and followed him. Not 30 minutes later he followed me back. He looks like that shaved head dad in the NP family videos. I do remember his fat lady cartoon. He's saying the Falcons will do good to reach 7-9 this year (which is a good guess) – but he seems like the type to complain about every sack and loss. Perhaps the Falcons will distract him from the Braves.  

Similar to my friend Sammy – not on the Braves bandwagon but still a "fan". Does a real fan constantly complain about the team or support them through good and bad? We knew in March that the offense would be inconsistent. Wren has made several moves and increased spending to improve it: add Gosselyn, TLS, Bonifacio, and Murphy and subtract Uggla and Shafer. I guess some fans are more knowledgeable than others, but that doesn't stop the less knowledgeable fans from talking.

ROB: As I recall, he complained about the Falcons more than the Braves.

It hit me a few weeks ago truly how good this franchise has been for so long.  There is someone on Twitter who I follow named (I think) Atl Sports Guy.  I don't know how or why I follow him - I think he followed me one day and I just followed back.  Minor was having a poor start and he tweeted that they should send him back to AAA.  I responded that it is a good thing we did not do that with Smoltz in '91.  He tweeted back that he was not alive then.  It reminded me that there is a whole generation of adult Braves fans who have only experienced 2 losing seasons in their lifetime.

ME: I remember your tweets with the Atlanta Sports Guy. At the time I wondered how could anyone so young could call themselves the Atlanta Sports Guy. He doesn't even live in Atlanta. He lives down in Newnan or somewhere. Good thing Minor was is the majors this past Sunday night. Guess there is a reason no 22 year old is running a MLB team.

I don't see how people write books. I'm not good at stretching out stories too long.

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