
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Here There Everywhere

Worked til 630 Monday night. Might've discovered a huge problem that'll make the next week fun. Got home at 730. Ceil was drinking her pre-procedure drink and took M to Moes. Not much of an evening.

Busy Tuesday. Between my aching shoulder, the dog, and thinking about a work problem I got little sleep Monday night. Ceil left for her appointment. Anna left for school in Dunwoody. I took M to school then stopped by McDonalds for a large Coke Zero, then Hardees for an omelet biscuit. Took the crowded GA 400 south from Holcomb Bridge to Dunwoody, then over to Perimeter College to meet Anna. I left my car at Perimeter Mall and she drove me down 400 and Peachtree to Piedmont Hospital. By the time I tracked down Ceil's whereabouts I was called back to see her. Then I had to find her car in the parking deck. All I knew was what level it was on. Finally found it, then picked her up at the door.

Having not eaten in over a day, C wanted coffee from Octane down on Howell Mill (above). She wanted soup for lunch and finally decided on the soup at El Porton near the house. We're never there for lunch. I ordered a crazy taco salad, which wasn't quite as good as taco salads from other similar Mexican restaurants. C got her soup, which wasn't quite as good as she's remembered. The service was great, and a side order of rice improved both our meals. After lunch I got C's prescription filled next door at the Stinky Kroger, and that took longer than normal.

Dropped C by the house and headed to Roswell to pick up M from school. On the way I checked out three thrift stores but passed on the boots I saw. Stopped by Chickfila for Matthew on the way home. He drove. After being on the go all day we got home at three. Ceil had crashed on the couch so I took a nap in the living room. Later I folded laundry and straightened up while watching SportsCenter coverage of the Super Bowl and the Phoenix Open. For dinner Ceil cooked potato soup and chili. After dinner C and I drove down to Perimeter Mall to fetch my car. Another typical day putting miles on the cars and being on the go all day and night.

Ceil stopped by Nancy's for Mary Lee's 18th birthday then came home and went to bed. I worked some on the computer then went to bed.

Tweets of the day: 1. When a lady drowns a puppy at the airport it's a huge story, but the media pays scant attention to the hundreds of thousands of babies aborted every year.

2. All the weathermen fail to accurately predict the "storm of the century" but everyone's supposed to believe the incomplete, spotty data predicting global warming / climate change?

3. Great response by Marco Rubio when asked if billionaire businessmen have too much power in American politics. His reply: As opposed to Hollywood or the mainstream media?

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