
Friday, August 07, 2015

Happy Birthday to Me

Busy Thursday afternoon. Work wasn’t as bad yesterday as I thought. Left at 3 pm and drove all the way over to the East Cobb Government Office not far from JFBC to renew my driver’s license. Rushed out of the office and forgot to bring proof of residence (2 bills). On the way I pulled out all the junk from my briefcase and found some papers that would work. Went inside the office and realized you couldn’t renew your license there. The last two times I had done it on line, but this was the first time I had to renew since they changed the law requiring presentation of my birth certificate, social security card, and proof of residence. While successfully looking for my SS card I fortuitously stumbled across my birth certificate – both in my sock drawer. I shall relocate them to somewhere more secure.
Made good time across the river through Sandy Springs neighborhoods over to Roswell Road to the North Fulton government office. Went inside and learned this still wasn’t the right place. Finally a young lady with a heavy Caribbean accent gave me a paper with directions. Headed north, took a number, and waited in line for 30 minutes. When I was finally called the lady looked at my SS card and BC but not the proof of residence I had so searched for. I was done before five. The place was open until 6:30, meaning I really didn’t need to miss so much work. Oh well.
Got home early, to an empty house. Took a nap. C had taken M to a late doctor’s appointment, Will was working, and Anna was shopping with MC. Later I did some laundry, straightened up a bit. Cleaned out Ceil’s car so I could drive it to work – I’d forgotten it needed emissions as well. While outside three deer dashed across the street two houses down, into the woods behind our house. Two of the deer were graceful but the third slipped and skidded on the concrete. They went right in front of a couple walking the cul-de-sac.
Ceil cooked a chicken tomato pasta dish, salad, and French bread. Turned on the GOP debate and worked on paying UGA tuition for both Anna and Will. Tons of fun. The storm had knocked out our cable but Will finally got it working again. The Braves were in commercial so I turned over to the debate. Interesting since I was familiar with most of the candidates. Never a dull moment with Trump and Cristie. Dr. Carson wasn’t asked much, but gave intelligent answers when he was. Continued working on my laptop and packaged another eBay box. Was almost midnight by the time I went to bed.   
Busy day today. My customer is working this weekend. My co-worker still on vacation (she has extra Friday duties I must perform). Lunch meeting – and I have to sneak out and get the emissions test.  
Big shakeup at the lunch meeting – a complete blind side to me. Hopefully the changes will be for the best but we’ll have to wait and see. Not the greatest to first hear about it in front of the entire department. The retirement of a co-worker was announced – in October he celebrates 50 years with the company. The high point for me was that when his replacement was discussed a co-worker suggested me, but that notion was quickly poo-pooed.
Co-workers W and Dialysis are moving downstairs with me. The Ogre and his new sidekick are also moving downstairs, but around the corner. The weekend was all set to be special but this sure puts a damper on things. Happy birthday to me. At least my new boss had the decency to take time from his busy day to go out of his way to come upstairs and welcome me.
I’d rather not vote than vote for Hillary. Even Trump would be better than her. Even Biden would be better than her. Reading about the old days of political conventions – Lincoln up to Kennedy – it seemed like more of that went on back on the old days than now. I’m probably wrong. That neurosurgeon has some good ideas but he talks so slow the other candidates talk circles around him. But talking slower as saying less may just resonate with the voters – a simpler message. But he’s far back in the pack. Of course I know little of politics – much less than what network baseball games are shown on.
Heard a church in West End has minister drives a fancy white-on-white twin turbo Mercedes – over 100 miles an hour. His friends are scared to ride with him. Guy I know has a son who is married with a baby. They live in a small apartment in Duluth. The son was recently released from the military and now hangs around rappers all day, trying to break into the business. The rappers encouraged him to buy a black-on-black Mercedes to “get in the game.” He did  – without even telling his wife. He backed out of a contract to build a new house, therefore losing $3,000.00 on the deal. Not that my family are paragons of financial responsibility.

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