
Wednesday, February 01, 2017

My Country tis of Thee

Trying not to make political jokes on social media these days. People seem to have lost their sense of humor – instead sticking to attack mode. Here’s what they’re missing out on:
This new President is wearing me out. Went down to Centennial Park to protest the firing of the acting attorney general. Accidentally got pushed and jostled into a different group protesting Trump’s immigration policy.
Next Saturday another protest has been scheduled. The issue is marked: “To Be Determined.”
If admission was charged to all those protesting we could pay for the immigration crisis, reducing the federal deficit, and Obamacare.
Super Bowl being moved over next door to the Astrodome. NRG Stadium had already been booked by a group of Trump protesters.
The Peachtree Road Race route has been changed for this year. Piedmont Park had already been booked by a group of Trump protesters.
If they gave merit badges for attending Trump protests, some people’s sashes would be full.
I need to quit my job and all other activities, because every week Trump’s gonna do something dumb – so there will be a new protest every week to attend. I need to go into the sign printing business. Then George Soros will be my biggest customer. So many are falling right into his hands, creating turmoil and unrest with all the protests. People are protesting first and thinking second (if at all). They see the liberal media’s headlines and don’t investigate for themselves to determine what the real truth of the matter is.
Seriously, I don’t know what to think any more. I used to think I was the out of touch and naïve one, but now there might be millions worse off than me. It’s not “bless their hearts” - it’s bless our whole country’s heart. If our country has a heart any more. Regardless whether what Trump did was wrong (the way he did it sure was), the past six Presidents all made similar actions. Carter blocked entry from the same nations. Clinton received a standing ovation for saying the same thing Trump said. Obama blocked immigration for six months. Trump was using a list of countries developed by Obama.
Unlike most politicians, Trump is actually doing what he said he would do. Sure, he’s a complete narcissist who doesn’t care what people think about him. Sounds like another President in recent memory.
In the last days it will be hard to determine what is right and what is wrong. We’re certainly at that point now. Stories come out saying one thing that later are proven wrong. From all media outlets. CNN. Fox. Snopes. People are more concerned with their own rights than those of others.  
I didn’t watch the SAG Awards, because I knew Hollywood would use the platform to bash Trump. Even if they’re right, it’s not why I watch. Their political talk is past getting old. They love the Islamists but hate the Christians. Who buys more movie tickets? Why don’t they move the awards ceremony to Tehran? The Oscars are coming up, and it’ll be the same thing. So instead I watched the Pro Bowl. Take that, Hollywood.
Many people on both sides post article after article to prove their point. Making the same point numerous times every day, day after day, grows tiresome – overstating the obvious. Like crying wolf, eventually the shouts fall on death ears. How would people like it if I posted THE SKY IS BLUE fifteen times a day? Is once a week too much? Yet I do see some constructive conversations on social media. Like me, others struggle to balance Christian love against opening their home to a potential snake.  
Other people’s tweets:  
Obama aggressively tried to deport Christians – including a German home school family. Where was the outrage from the left?
Why didn’t Muslims protest to defend and show solidarity with Americans after Boston and Orlando and Chattanooga and San Bernadino?
“We have no tolerance for intolerance.” Said the guy who wanted to shut down Chickfila.
Some people think we have a moral obligation to let people into the country who want to blow us up.
The BBC’s Katie Hopkins asked why Muslim refugees flee Muslim countries to go to Christian countries, and not other Muslim countries. Why is this? Does it not say something about the religion of Islam?
And why don’t you see Christians (and gays) fleeing into Muslim countries? (there are reasons, but the media (and Hollywood) doesn’t constantly shove this down our throats).
ME: What I’m trying to sort out: our government’s primary concern should be protecting (not providing for) its own citizens. Speaking as a US citizen, the United States Government is not the policeman for the world, nor should provide free services to illegal refugees that it can’t provide to its own veterans. Our national debt continues to skyrocket. The people of the US can donate to the Red Cross, but the government shouldn’t bankroll other countries and leave the debt burden for future generations to grapple with.
Interesting article in by Wendy Wilson, a public school teacher in Nashville. As a firsthand observer of immigration in America, Wilson makes valid points, although I’m ignorant as to whether she can speak authoritatively about how Christians should think. It’s articles like this that makes me struggle: should I be loving and caring and welcoming, or heed where God’s Word says to be wary of the devil and his wares.  
As a Christian I am commanded to help those in need. Moreover I should WANT to help the needy, out of my alleged love for Jesus. Many are better at this than me. In April we’re supposed to participate in a fundraising run sponsored by Refuge Coffee in Chamblee. I’ll be sure to invite all my friends currently protesting the new President’s immigration policy.

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