
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Proxy Bride

At Charles and Annie's wedding the program listed the bridesmaids, groomsmen, etc. It also listed someone as the “bride’s proxy,” which confused several people. Do you know what that is? Back when all my friends were getting married in the early to mid-1980’s a few brides used a proxy, though I didn’t know that is what it was called. Supposedly it is an old Southern tradition that it’s bad luck for the bride to rehearse, so she has someone else serve as the stand-in. I can’t remember if Ceil had a stand-in or not. I missed Will’s rehearsal, so I don’t know about MC either.

One cool thing to watch the Winter Olympics for is all the neat jackets, hats, scarfs, and gloves everyone wears. Also the wild pants and outfits the curlers wear – crazier than the pants John Daly wears. Some curlers seem to be wearing suits. Others are wearing baseball stirrups. The Olympics lasts longer than it used to be. The Olympics used to be 14 days long. Then TV stretched it out over three full weekends, making them 16 days long. This year the telecasts started the day before the Opening Ceremonies, making for 17 days of TV.

Interesting people kept popping up on Gilmore Girls. Carole King played a record store shopkeeper. She and her daughter sing the theme song. Crazy Aunt Marilyn was played by Richie Cunningham’s mother in Happy Days: Marion Ross. Rory’s rich Yale playboy friend Logan Huntzberger is a modern day Jack Kennedy.

Reading a book written by Jackie Kennedy’s secret service agent Clint Hill, the guy who tried to climb on the back of the limousine immediately after the shooting. Fun Facts: (1) The iconic blue and white exterior of Air Force One was designed by First Lady Jackie Kennedy. (2) On November 21, 1963 Jackie delivered a speech in Houston to a Latin American group - in fluent Spanish.

The Eagles and Patriots set the record for most total yards set in any NFL game in history (preseason, regular season, or postseason), breaking a 67 year old record. Sorry if I’m repeating myself.

1151 02.04.18 NE vs Eagles
1133 11.19.50 LA Rams vs NY Yankees
1102 12.20.82 SD vs Bengals
1095 10.31.04 KC vs Colts

Other records set in this year’s Super Bowl:
054 total first downs
613 yards by the Patriots
505 yards passing by Brady
001 total punts. Pats become the first team to not punt in a Super Bowl.

Last week I thought I was coming down with something. Joints were just a little bit achy. Same with throat. Slight cough ever since surgery, I thought due to having a tube down my throat. Trying to take it easy. Taking lots of vitamins and drinking lots of fluids.

Worked until 6:16 last Tuesday night. Made good time going home but it was still after seven. Leftover shepherd’s pie and a fresh tossed salad. Not sure why anyone would want shepherd’s pie when there are so many other good dishes to eat. I watched some of the Hawks/Grizz as well. The Hawks alternate city uniforms looked better in real life than in the previously released photos. Also watched The Middle and Gilmore Girls. Not sure what we’re gonna do when we run out of Gilmore Girls episodes. By then it will be baseball season.

Thursday I worked past six again. Drove straight home. C had decided to go to JFBC for a prayer event. I was bushed so I stayed some. Ate leftover salad and a pasta dish with sausage. Watched Letterman’s new show – he interviewed Obama. Then three episodes of the Gilmore Girls. Really a good show. At 10:30 I turned on the Olympics while I was shutting down everything for bed.

Friday on the way to work I stopped for gas. Getting later and later to work. Boss had brought the team Chickfila biscuits. My first biscuit of the year, to celebrate being down 11 pounds for the year. Tonight Ceil might help out at the rehearsal dinner. The Olympic Opening Ceremony tonight will be more interesting than most of the events.

After Sunday School as usual I went to help stack up the 50 folding chairs we used for the class. The guys form a water bucket line to pass the chairs to the guy who stacks them in the movable cabinet. About halfway through the process I realized I wasn’t supposed to be lifting. Afterwards I could feel it down where I’d had the surgery. Back home I stretched out on the couch, and after lunch napped from three to 6:30. Later we watched some Olympics and The Gilmore Girls. Fixed two chicken quesadillas.

Had a lunch meeting on Monday. Had a sliced turkey wrap from Atlanta Bread Company. Worked until 6:30 then straight home. Ceil baked a chicken, and a baked potato, and cooked kale. Sampled Matthew’s cheesy tater tots as well. Three episodes of Gilmore Girls and a little Olympics.

Today us girls went to Lunch at ‘Cue, the BBQ place down the street. Instead of getting sides or a plate with slides I got my chopped BBQ sandwich served “Pittsburgh style” – with fries, slaw, and a fried egg inside the sandwich. Cue bakes their own bread for the buns, so the sandwich was like six inches tall. I removed the slaw and fries and half the pork just so I’d be able to fit the sandwich in my mouth. Then it was like a had a whole plate of food. Four kinds of BBQ sauce to choose from. Others got the potato salad, fried okra, and sweet potato casserole. It all looked good.

We took Sherry out to lunch, who retires Thursday after working 30 years. We had almost 270 years of experience at the table: Frances (50 years at Ryerson), Debbie (43), Sandra (31), Jan (20+), Patsy (20+), Joy (20+), Sam (20+), Sherry (30), and me (30). Over the next few months we’re losing several long tenured employees: Sherry (30), Sandra (31), the Ogre (39), Debbie (43), Ronald (39), Vann (35), Samnang (20+), and Frei (20+) – over 260 years of experience. I hired Joy and brought Patsy over to her current position, and both do a great job. I have a feeling that when Sherry leaves people are going to hit me up with questions on some of the tough things she does. She was I person I went to when I had problems of my own.

Friday I go back to the doctor, then we have another lunch meeting at work.

Ephesians 6:17: Helmet of Salvation:
  • metaphor: A bronze Roman helmet that provided safety to the head during battle
  • meaning: A believer's trust, in the midst of Satan's attacks, that he/she will be saved in the end.   
  • practice: When faced with spiritual attacks, remember your hope of salvation is secure; Satan cannot ultimately destroy you.  
 Sword of the Spirit:
  • metaphor: A Roman short sword, used in close combat
  • meaning: The Word of God
  • practice: When under spiritual attack, claim the Promises of God

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