
Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Don’t be a Fleek

Goofy Golf: if it is like Myrtle Beach the putt putt places are super crowded at night, where you have to wait 5 to 10 minutes, play one hole, then wait another 5-10 minutes before playing again. After 18 holes you’re ready to leave. During the day putt putt is less crowded but the heat is brutal.

Matthew used to like to play but he was only good for a game or two. When Will was young we’d buy an all you could putt pass once afternoon, play several games, then come back the next morning and play more.

I only watched the Braves Sunday night, when the Braves lost. The Braves still have the best bullpen record in the National League, better than the Dodgers and Astros and far better than the Phillies and Mets, who are at the bottom.

Five things you need to delete from your life right now:

1. Does it spark misery? Get rid of things you’d like to forget, just like when tidying up only keep things that bring you joy.

2. Manage your mess. Use your email in box as a to do list. Be sure to file away or delete all other emails.

3. Don’t be on fleek. Cut back on using “hip” phrases that don’t fit into your office vernacular.

4. Don’t fake a regional sound or dialect that’s not your own (don’t try to talk British, ghetto, or like the Kardashians. But it’s okay for Southerners to speak Southern.

5. Consider whether sending an emoji will strengthen or weaken the message you are trying to communicate. Sometimes it’s okay, other times not. It’s not about who you are, but who the person is you are sending it to. Same with using shortened “text speak” instead of full words, sentences, and proper punctuation.     

6. Trim your list of friends on social media. Don’t take time to keep track of people you’re not really friends with any more (but what if your posts really mean something to them?).

Decent weekend. Never get everything done that I want to. Friday night I watched the most recent Star Wars movie (I think). Now they’re all running together.

Saturday morning I cleaned upstairs. Watched another movie: “Definitely, Maybe” with Ryan Reynolds. Also several MASH episodes. Washed and folded several loads of laundry. Later I stopped by several thrift stores. Bought a brand new pair of fashion sneakers to wear to work and church.

Then went to the party celebrating Uni Watch, the uniform blog I read every day. At least 31 in attendance, including several musicians who performed one after the other. Met Lang’s friends Andy and Miles, who used to run the Distant Replays store in Buckhead. A fun evening. Guests were encouraged to come dressed in uniforms, so I wore my red Dominque jersey. Also shorts to show off my knee high striped Braves socks. The party was held at Fajita Valley near downtown Woodstock. Ordered a quesadilla. Stayed up late recapping the evening while watching the Braves replay. Also some Apollo 11 stuff on CNN.

Sunday School on anxiety. “Fear not” is the command given the most times in the Bible - 366 times. Just think: why would God -  who saves us from hell - not also be concerned and take care of what we need on earth?

Lunch at IHOP to use a gift card. Burger and fries. A trip to Kroger. More movies: Demi Moore in “Blind.” Also Ethan Hawke in “Juliet Naked” - the title being the name of a song Hawke’s character had once performed. Also watched the Braves on ESPN.

Tuesday morning eye doctor appointment. Then with my eyes dilated I had to drive across a jam packed 285 from Kennesaw in the bright sunshine to Johns Creek. Took an hour.

Lunch at Longhorn with the team from work. Chicken tenders, steamed broccoli, and tossed salad. Also ice cream and chocolate cake. On the way back to the office I stopped by a store. Was having trouble seeing stuff. Everything was fuzzy and dark. After five minutes I realized I had my sunglasses on, as opposed to my prescription glasses.

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