
Sunday, August 25, 2019

2019 MLB Players Weekend

Year three of MLB's player's weekend. Much debate of the decision to pit all white uniforms against all black. Hard to tell what teams were playing.
Below: Cleveland (back) versus Kansas City.
As in the past two years, players were able to place nicknames of their choice on their backs. Some were more creative than others.
Hard to read the silver names on the white jerseys.
Players also were able to wear whatever shoes,
belts, gloves, and sweatbands they wished.
Hard to read logos on jerseys and helmets and caps.   
Why does MLB let the players go crazy for three days?
An easy negotiating chip with the players union, for sure.
But mostly to sell more jerseys and caps.
Maybe in late September those socks will be on sale.
Many thought the unis were a diaster. Much better to wear the iconic unis worn by the Yankees, Dodgers, Braves, Cardinals, etc. But in a way these uniforms looked like the old days when teams wore white or dark unis from head to toe. And for a change white shoes didn't look so bad. My two cents.
On Friday the Cubs starting pitcher didn't like the feel of the all black Player's Weekend cap, so the entire team wore their regular blue caps.
Not kosher, said MLB,
and on Saturday the Cubs were outfitted in Player's Weekend caps.
The Braves' closer used the opportunity
to let people know how his name is pronounced.
Some say Ronald Acuna looks good in any uniform.
Like last year Freddie Freeman wore the name of one of his brothers.
I liked Freddie's long pants and all black spikes.
Nicknames on the backs of jerseys aren't new.
Paul Lukas wrote a history of this for this week,
which included the 1977 Braves.
Folty had one of the better nicknames.
As did Josh Donaldson,
who had a big weekend in the Braves sweep of the Mets.
 Cool leather bag carried by Charlie Culbertson.

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