
Friday, October 18, 2019

Needles in Haystacks

Thrift stores are fun to look for needles in haystacks. Bobbleheads. Jerseys. Old baseball gloves. Obscure t-shirts. Unique ties – recently I’ve found Hawks and a Falcons tie to go with my Braves tie I got at a Father’s Day game at Turner Field. Mark Stephens got me looking for unique shoe models that are no longer sold. Books autographed by a famous author. Cool baseball caps. Braves stuff. Plates and bowls made by Ceil’s favorite artist.
When I visit a thrift store I rarely linger, instead sweeping through the racks looking for the various items above. Usually I spend no more than 5 or ten minutes in a store, but is Matthew is with me he takes forever, looking at every record album and CD. 
I used to keep a list of things I’d bought, but haven’t kept it up for the past year or two.
Yes I should be at the Cheatham service. Will try to sing in the choir if its not super packed.
Stopping on the way home, but lately I haven’t as much been in the mood to stop. Tuesdays night with C gone I can take my time. Only stop at DOLLAR TREE when I am low on a specific item. I hate Dollar General. Hardly ever stop at Kroger either – quit buying soda, cereal, yogurt, and peanut butter. Trying to cut down on thrift stores as well though its fun to browse. More often than not I only stop at a thrift store to drop things off. Need to stop swinging by Taco Bell as well.
When I take the “northern route” home (Old Milton to Hwy 9) there are three places to stop, so it takes forever. Plus traffic is worse. Haven’t been that way in a long time.
Back when our kids went to Passion City Church the youth there helped out at the Garden Hills Fun Day, and my kids went.
Thursday: left work at 5:30. Stopped by Dollar Tree. Started buying Halloween candy. Chocolate. Butterfinger and Baby Ruth.

Big family dinner with M, A, C, and Christian. Ceil cooked BBQ chicken, cut fruit, tossed salad, grilled wedges of potato, sweet potato, and cauliflower. C made her own BBQ sauce so I have lots left over. Lots to clean up. Afterwards A&C went to the movie Joker. M went to another movie, possibly a class assignment. Watched The Neighborhood, Carol’s Second Act, and Schooled. Bed.
Friday: Chickfila chicken minis for breakfast at work. Work lunch may be pizza. We’re taking physical inventory so they feed us to keep us focused. New dish for supper... 
Looks like I’ll have to go into work this weekend for physical inventory. Here’s the lineup of football games for tomorrow.
1200 GT@Miami
1200 Clemson@Louisville
1200 WVA@Oklahoma
0600 KY@UGA
0900 Tenn@Bama
Though I work in the gold industry, I spend little time on the golf course. Textron is better known as EZGo, the golf car company. They do have an annual golf tourney that vendors like mine buy foursomes in. I’ve been on the account for over 10 years buy have only got to play once (I’m a hacker). VP and GM plus 4 or 5 others. EZGo is in Augusta, but that doesn’t help much with Masters tickets – though twice I’ve received Masters tickets from fabricators we partner with. Not too bad! We don’t get discounts on golf cars either – even when my company bought two new ones to tear apart to find ways to save them money!

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