
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Donald Trump's Fabulous World of Golf

Heard Rickie Fowler recently played Dustin Johnson. Both played left-handed. Johnson shot a 94 to win. With the dearth of live sports on TV, the Golf Channel should’ve televised the match. Would’ve been cool to just have one camera following the players, listening to their conversations. That would be similar to the old Golf Channel show “Donald Trump’s Fabulous World of Golf.”    
One memorable episode had Trump playing golf with John Smoltz and Tom Glavine (below). Walking down the first fairway after their tee shots, Smoltz said to Trump “I hear you’re building a big shopping center out here.” Glavine asked where. Smoltz quipped “Between my ball and yours!”
Not much on line about Trump’s World of Golf. Looks like back before the last presidential election CNN was trying to dig up dirt on Trump, asking the Golf Channel for footage from the show, but the Golf Channel denied the request.   
Q: What did the baby corn say to the mama corn?
A: Where’s Pop Corn?
This worldwide crisis is getting serious. Kroger was out of crunchy peanut butter. 
Seriously: to fight coronavirus do not take ibuprofen / Advil. Instead take Tylenol. Also take lots of vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc 30 mg. Silver. Hot licorice root, lemon balm, peppermint, elderberry, rosemary tea. Eat raw garlic, onion, and ginger.   

Wednesday: left work shortly after five. Drove straight home. M had a new pot and cooked supper: black beans, rice, chopped onions, special cheese (gouda?), chives, and chicken from the grill outside. I made a quesadilla and also ate the beans and rice with chips.
Not much on TV. Watched an interesting episode of Bon Appetit’s Test Kitchen, where Claire baked cherry pies and flew them out from NYC out west to enter them at a county fair (below). They didn’t place. Also worked on my laptop, talked on the phone, and handled a crisis at work. Bed at ten.
Last night I changed the settings on my phone, adding a bright new Gwinnett Stripers custom screensaver. Didn’t realize it made it hard to read the time. Usually I wake up between 6:05 and 6:15 without an alarm. Of course when I wake up I’m wearing my CPAP mask and no glasses, and I’m looking at the time on my watch. This morning I woke up and I thought my watch said 6:37. Popped out of bed and went in to take a shower. Next time I looked at the time it read 6:05 am. I had misread 5:37 for 6:37. I was an hour early.
Stopped by Kroger on the way to work. Didn’t get much. The bath tissue ailse was empty. Not desperate for TP, but while I was in the store I thought I would check. First time in a store for over a week, thought C and M have been. W and A went to Home Depot yesterday. Guess he was buying wood for his deck.
Oh yes C drinks coffee. Also M, A, and W&MC. They’re BIG coffee drinkers. They buy whole bean from Joel’s Bellwood Coffee. They have their coffee bean grinders, scales, French presses, the whole setup. In the past Will has worked behind the counter at Bellwood for special events: trivia night, the grand opening, etc. Today's Bellwood Coffee advertisement:
Denison: If the pandemic is not God’s specific judgment, why did he allow it? Scripture teaches that our world is fallen as a result of human sin (Genesis 3:16–19; Romans 8:22). Diseases and disasters are natural consequences of this Fall.
…While I do not know why God allows all that he does, I am convinced that he redeems all he allows. We can ask him for such redemption, knowing that he suffers with us (Isaiah 43:2) and loves us unconditionally (John 17:23).
…Tragedies such as the coronavirus pandemic cause many of us to struggle on some level spiritually. When God doesn’t answer our prayers as we want him to, as with the Apostle Paul’s “thorn in the flesh,” it’s natural to be frustrated (2 Corinthians 12:8). Even Jesus cried from the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). 
…Jesus knows what it is to feel temptation (Hebrews 4:15), weariness (John 4:6), thirst (John 19:28), rejection (Matthew 27:22), and horrific pain (Matthew 27:26). What’s more, he not only empathizes with us but has the ability to heal us (Matthew 4:23), forgive us (Luke 23:34), and sustain us with his enduring presence (Matthew 28:20). As a result, here’s the most relevant coronavirus faith question I can ask: Will you bring your questions and struggles to Jesus?
COOL PAPA BELL  [SABR Bio] was jokingly rumored to be so fast that he was called out while sliding into second base once because he was struck by the same line drive that HE himself had just hit. It was often said that there was no one faster in all the Negro Leagues. Paul Simon recorded a song with his name in it. Simon’s song is titled “Cool Papa Bell” but it has some R-rated lyrics. His birth name was James Thomas Nichols. Bell, originally a pitcher, earned the nickname “Cool” after he struck out the legendary Oscar Charleston in one of his first Negro National League mound appearances. Bell’s manager Candy Jim Taylor later added “Papa” (No reason given). He was the third player from the Negro Leagues voted into the Hall of Fame who had never played in the majors - HOF in 1974. Josh Gibson and Buck Leonard became Hall of Famers in 1972.

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