
Sunday, June 07, 2020

What I'm Hearing

Trying to listen. I’m hearing a lot. Some things I hear are constructive, and some educational. Others things more disturbing and destructive. Trying to keep my eyes focused on Jesus. Not sure I need or want to post many of the things I’m hearing and seeing. On social media I try to hear voices from both sides of this war, to keep abreast with what’s going on in people’s minds. Some block opposing voices, and that’s just sad. If people aren’t willing to listen to opposing viewpoints and discuss them, that shows how far we’ve sunk in this country.
Proud of my kids for taking a stand and speaking out. Using their own voices, not just copying and pasting the opinions of others. Proud that Anna focused on God in her plea, calling for the Holy Spirit to do a great work. She reads so much her vocabulary has greatly expanded, so much that I had to look up some of the words. I’m no Bible scholar, but some more learned than me have praised her work.

Earlier this week Lang used his platform to speak out both in voice and print, and did an outstanding job. I had read his #IMHO column and wanted to listen to his discussion. Matthew was sitting with me on the couch, so we listened together. I think M appreciated Lang’s words, and appreciated that I’m listening to points of view other than Fox News.

It’s important to stay on task. There’s so much going on, so much going on behind the scenes, evil forces at work using the George Floyd murder as a front to create unrest in our country during this election year, and to distract from other stories some powers that be want to remain out of the spotlight. First the impeachment, then Covid, the crashing economy and unemployment, now protests and riots. The media says one thing, but are statistics saying something else? Tear gas or no tear gas? Who is pushing the buttons? Who is bankrolling all this? What are their platforms really saying? I don’t want to be deceived by Satan, and I don’t want those I love to be deceived and led down the wrong path, potentially to destruction.

So much negativity that sometimes I want to run away. As an adult there are some things I need to address even when I don’t want to. Churns in my stomach and keeps me from sleep. Why can’t people be more positive? So focused on themselves they don’t see what they’re doing, how they’re acting. Not listening, even to themselves. And I’m right there with them. I don’t want to be a modern day Pharisee, publicly frowning down on the obvious spec in the other's eye, all the while missing the plank in my own.

I understand the reason and need for the protests, and support them. It's sad to see the black community suffering from the riots. Blacks shouting down other blacks. More black lives being snuffed out. Monuments to blacks being defaced. But again, most often by these are outside forces working to create chaos. Sad that it’s the black community that once again suffers as a result. Sad to see a lack of forgiveness. Apologies not accepted. Tony Dungy spoke to this. 

Timely words from my sister Elizabeth Prata writing The End Time blog: amid the destruction and disaster and loss of property found in the book of Ezekiel, God says "Then they will know that I am God."
This morning Ceil and I met Rob and Nancy at the bend of the river for a 3-1/2 mile walk. We traversed the new boardwalk all the way from Azalea into Cobb County, almost to Timber Ridge and back. Good time of discussion and catching up. A good reminder that if Jesus were here today he would be on the front lines, calling out injustice.

Wore my Hoka One One Bondi 6’s on the walk. This time with socks thick enough to keep my feet from slipping around. Need to wear them more often, of course.
Then we watched JFBC Sunday School and Passion City Church worship on line. Barney wanted a front row seat.
Notes: God’s Word never changes. Romans 12: extravagant worship is an anchor if on a solid foundation – the rock of Jesus. The grace of God and the glory of God paves the way for extravagant worship. Worship is our response to God – who He is and what He’s done. Extravagant means without restraint.

1. Worship is a response. I urge you by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, which is your spiritual service of worship. Worship is alive when people are open to God’s amazing grace. Singing is motivated by seeing God work – His glory and grace. We can’t have a casual response to a King.

2. Worship is more than a song. Present your body as a living sacrifice. The tendency is to separate the internal from the external – “you don’t know my intent.” God wants your whole body, both the insides and outside. Give everything in worship.

3. Worship is not about me. Pleasing to God, the object of our worship. This is proper worship. Use everything in our power to magnify, enlarge, and glorify God. Let our worship not be in vain, without meaning.

4. Worship and service is justice, service to God. Do not confirm to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind – that which is good and acceptable and perfect. Transform means to change, letting God change us into the person he wants us to be. Worship and justice are two sides of the same coin. Hate what is evil, cling to what is good. Live in harmony with one another. Overcome evil with good. Love mercy and justice.

Micah 6:8: "He has told you, oh man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God?"

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