
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Rubber Ducky

Shivonne seems to be focused on the rubber ducky to her left.

Guy at work has lost 35 pounds in the month before Thanksgiving, on a special doctor monitored diet. He drinks 4 shakes per day. Costs $500 per month, Wonder if it’s covered by insurance. I’m gonna hit it hard starting in January. Will try to get M to go to the gym with me.

Tuesday: had to work late last night to file a report. Left at 5:50. Since C was at her ministry I stopped off to do some shopping. Then traffic was bad and I had to stop for gas. Was almost 730 when I got home, and Winnie wanted to play. Couldn’t relax until C got home an hour later. Never fired up my laptop. Forgot to get my empty lunch bucket out of my backpack.

Tuesday afternoon my customer had ordered two truckloads for this morning, but wanted to send in a truck last night for some of the material. I made the arrangements with the plant, who kept asking when the truck would arrive. As I was going to bed I happened to check my work email. The customer was never able to set up a truck, meaning that hot material would just sit there. I relayed the info to my plant, who rearranged things so that everything would ship. Then this morning of course the truck with the hot material broke down. Murphy’s law.

Didn’t sleep well Tuesday night. Woke up at 5 am and got ready for work. McDonalds had a special offer this morning, that only 10000 people could get. I placed my mobile order and went through the drive thru by 6:15 am. Not really sure if I got in with the first 10000. Won’t know for a couple of months.

Dreamland BBQ for lunch – smoked turkey and ham. Good. Been working all morning on year end stuff. Plenty to do. Big company webcast today, sharing success stories. Not to drag but several of the stories sound like the things our team has to overcome almost every day.

Anna went to JCT Kitchen at Westside Provisions on Monday night. It’s closing on December 31.

I continue to be stalked by former MLB pitcher turned announced Rick Sutcliffe. I posted a photo of me with Joe Pepitone and Sutcliffe forwarded it. Second time that happened.

To keep from getting sick, employees at a Chickfila in Arizona were working from home via Facetime. Many lauded the idea, though some criticized the innovation just because it was Chickfila.

I was never crazy about the Collanade. Bob Lamb and wife Peggy eat there. They got married the same day we did.

Family in my Sunday School moved from Egypt to Atlanta. The husband works with The Church of the Apostles broadcasting the messages around the world, into various languages. His wife Susie joined our Sunday School class since they live in the area. They were at the party yesterday and I spent time with them. He said Michael Y is like 72 years old but has no plans on retiring. Bryant Wright “retired” but accepted another position with a global ministry, and also works to encourage young pastors. Susie said her parents are missionaries in Germany. Her dad id 80 with no plans on retiring. She wishes they would visit the grandkids more.

Monday I got three projects done halfway. Tuesday I worked on my bowl picks.

PETE ALEXANDER  [SABR Bio] was named for one U.S. president and portrayed by another. HOF Alexander’s birth name is Grover Cleveland Alexander, Grover Cleveland being the 22nd & 24th U.S. president. Alexander was born in the middle of Cleveland’s first term. A biopic of Alexander came out of Hollywood in 1952 entitled “The Winning Team” with the pitcher played by a young Illinois actor who later became the 40th U.S. president (Reagan almost got top billing). Only Cy Young and Walter Johnson notched more career victories. Alexander is tied with Mathewson at 373 wins. Young had 511, Johnson 417. In 1915 Alexander had the fifth most shutouts of any major league season ever, with twelve. The following season Alexander racked up the all time record: 16 (tied with George Bradley’s 1876 effort).

Henri Nouwen: "It is hard to believe God would reveal his divine presence to us in the self-emptying, humble way of the man from Nazareth. So much in me seeks influence, power, success, and popularity. The way of Jesus is the way of hiddenness, powerlessness, and littleness. It does not seem a very appealing way. Yet when I enter into true, deep communion with Jesus, I will find that it is this small way that leads to real peace and joy."

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