
Saturday, October 01, 2022

Why They Call It the Swamp

People divided over political issues grieves me so. Brings out the worst in people. Today's media, social media, and the politicians themselves do more to divide than unite. What follows are some rambling thoughts about what's going on these days.

Would you rather have a candidate who speaks his mind, who is open and shares what he thinks (right or wrong), or a politician who answers direct questions with nonspeak, avoiding the question and instead pontificating on a different subject? Dealing in half truths and outright lies? Yes both parties are guilty. Do you watch the news? Are you listening to what's being said? Really? I hear people responding with talking points, and attacking instead of legitimately discussing. Do people think about the things they're saying and posting? I hate all this political crap. Just another way the media and social media drives us apart.

I've long been a fan of Herschel Walker. Greatest college football player ever. Gained more yards than any other pro football player. Competed against Olympians in track and bobsled. Bold Christian. Successful businessman. Overcame mental illness and shared his struggles in an effort to help others (should this be used against him by a political opponent? Cheap shot, if you ask me). The Republican Party asked Herschel to run to represent the citizens of Georgia in the US Senate. When you get right down to it, I wish he'd said no. He has opened himself to scrutiny and abuse, having his words and actions twisted. I do not agree with everything Herschel says and does, but if most people are honest, the same can be said about his opponent, the Reverend Rafael Warnock, and many other candidates.

The Braves accept an invitation to visit the White House in recognition of their World Championship season, and the White House and press corps use it as an opportunity to call for the Braves to change their name. How should politicians elected to represent the citizens of Georgia respond?

Walker was quick to take a stand against the Braves name change. He challenged Rev Warnock to do the same. Reverend Warnock's response: "I am aware that the Braves organization is having conversations with the Native American community. I trust them to work through that process and comes to a conclusion that makes sense."

Rev Warnock's statement on the Braves discussions with Indian groups is inaccurate. Several years ago the Braves formed an alliance with the Cherokee Indian nation, and since then have sponsored numerous events, like the recent baseball game in Truist Park. There have been no reported conversations about changing the name of the team. In fact the team's stance has been to keep the name. Meanwhile Walker may have opened up a rabbit hole by saying "I've asked some Native Americans, and they were okay with it." People are going to want details. 

Reverend Warnock's stance on abortion lines up with the prevailing opinion in the country today. His response was more political than preacher: "I have a profound reverence for life. And I also have a deep respect for choice." There are so many other issues besides abortion and the name of the baseball team. Unlike Rev Warnock's inflammatory advertisements, Herschel has not attacked Rev Warnock personally for Warnock's family issues or finance matters. While Reverend Warnock may be the better politician, I'm not convinced he is the best representative for the citizens of Georgia.

So many politicians say they're going to change things when they get to Washington, then spend their time in office working to stay elected. Politicians say they want to unite, but so many of their words and actions only divide. Campaign ads are filled with lies and slander, appealing to the lowest common denominator. Why would I want to vote for someone who acts like that? I see people picking candidates that are the least mean, rather than who will represent our state and country the best. Following the crowd instead of determining who is really the most qualified to run the country. Then attacking others for voicing opinions different than theirs.      

Perhaps I'm just as bad. I'm trying not to attack but present facts.;!!AE29DT8V!Wt0iC88QsFEy2t-pu0GBQxCw-dViUTQIYr6nhOYp5Tn_uQiQvj8cy2QyxepORmHqEx_8Yr9eVWfgPn84v3Q$ 

I stumbled across an interesting hashtag: #agenda2030. Something to look into. Some may say this is the next Tea Party, the next Qanon. Are you sure?

Related: On Writing, from Elizabeth's The End Time Blog. Like Elizabeth, writing helps me sort out my thoughts and feelings.;!!AE29DT8V!XQ_EU4yDqE5YvLKECgE8-2H-K7dzf2-JtiJCJy7UKjKlCWMQrQCbWVjoA0nHfqy4MIJQDAM_WoS9_jnY6oQ$ 

James 3:1Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, for you know that we who teach shall be judged with greater strictness.

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