
Monday, October 16, 2023

Lazarus and the Rich Man

Clay Smith JFBC

Luke 16:14-31

The parable of the rich man

Jesus spoke in parables to disarm people, and to speak harshly - like today's story. We live in serious times. JFBC has several partners in the Middle East right now. We pray for peace, and boldness.

Jesus flips the script. Am I like the Pharisees? Involves hell, but the point is about money. Cannot serve God and wealth. Reveals what is in my heart.

The Pharisees loved money. The first parable in the first part of chapter 16: trustworthy in small things, trustworthy in large things.

Pharisees taught a law they themselves did not keep. An oral law, filling in the gaps of scripture - such as... 

1. Salvation based on a lineage to Abraham. 

2. Taught a law of retribution. Live a good life you'll be rewarded in heaven.

3. Believed in the resurrection in the afterlife.

Jesus is speaking to the wealthy v 19-21 a rich man, and poor man Lazarus. The rich man dressed nicely, in purple. Enjoyed himself. Loved in luxury. Lazarus was poor, longed for the scraps. Body covered with sores licked by dogs. Back then dogs weren't as loved as they are today. Unclean. Scavengers.

But when they died, Lazarus sat next to Abraham in heaven. The rich man was in agony in hell. He cried out to Abraham, who did not help him. Two outcomes.

Our eternal destination doesn't hinge on how much money we have, but how we take advantage of the opportunities around us, and how we respond to God.

V 24 the rich man doesn't cry out to God, but to Abraham. Even in hell, the rich man treats Lazarus like his servant.

CS Lewis: "Hell is the greatest monument to humanity".

The rich man is consumed with his riches, and becomes callus. There is a chasm that cannot be crossed.

When the rich man realizes he cannot be helped, he asks Abraham to reach out to his brothers. The rich man is realizing the error of his ways. Foreshadowed Jesus resurrection.

Remember that Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees.

Jesus great miracle: to raise Lazarus from the dead. After that the Pharisees plotted to kill Jesus.

A callousness of the heart. How does this apply to us? Four lessons…

1. Our salvation is not based on our ethnic heritage. The righteous live by faith, both Jew and Greek. We have zero standing with God without Jesus, not the scriptures. What are you basing your standing on?

2. The ethical decisions we make have eternal consequences. What we do with our time talent resources etc. 2 Cor 5: 9-10.

3. The most harsh: the rich should examine how they use their wealth. Easy to become insulated from the needy around us. What does this look like for me? How am I like the rich man?

4. Pray a prayer of confession and repentance, confessing my sins to God.

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