
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

R.I.P. Jim Otto

Former Raiders HOF center Jim Otto passed away. Interesting article about his career. Played in every one of the Raiders’ AFL games. Had 40+ surgeries, including 28 on his knees, yet never missed a game.;!!AE29DT8V!ToDVmNgEaW-MyVrtXN8XXHk1mnmirTt2Ph_SrVCtdnI-tPF97bQmTKS4lsbcyavr3t1vOAamGAhXDwp3rj0$

Sunday night on the CBS show 60 Minutes interviewed Pope Francis, who said “We are all fundamentally good. Yes, there are some rouges and sinners, but the heart itself is good”. Then 60 Minutes sent that quote out on social media. Generated several good replies.

Were you able to watch the Braves game on TBS? It was blacked out at our house. I saw on my TV that TBS had their baseball pregame show on, to be followed by the Braves game. I was able to watch the pregame show but at 730 the channel went blank.

I won’t say it’s busy at work, but it is. This morning coworker Brad asked our team meet, so Angie and I followed him into our boss’ office and closed the door. We didn’t know what was going to happen. Brad had woken up early with a song on his heart, and he shared it with us, singing “Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place”. Then he prayed for us. We were kinda shocked, though Brad is a strong Christian.

We are having a “built in” cabinet installed in our living room in June, which means we need to get rid of our two large IKEA bookcases. Which means we have to do something with all the books and bobbleheads in the bookshelves.

Man I have a ton of stuff to do before Saturday morning. Laundry. Pack. Cut the grass. Gotta track down a pair of shorts that are missing. Lots of work as well. At the end of the day I’m too worn out and just want to crash when I get home. I have four paperbacks set aside to read. Blog posts may be a little scatterbrained for the next few days.

Might take Winnie to the minor league baseball game. Next Wednesday night is bring your dog night.

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