
Sunday, June 30, 2024

More on The Anxious Generation

Finished up the book The Anxious Generation, which details how the current epidemic of teen mental health issues has been caused not by racial strife, climate change, and political upheaval but by social media and cell phone addition combined with an overprotective society, unwilling to let kids play and explore on their own (like previous generations like yours and mine). The Center for Disease Control reports that too much social media can actually lead to physical symptoms like stomach pain, etc. Studies show the increase in sexual identity issues has been linked to excess social media use.

Since children and teenagers have started carrying cell phones (around 2010) not only has mental health deteriorated, but grades have dropped. This was going on long before covid. Instead of playing outside with real friends, learning to avoid injury and settle their own differences, kids are staying in their rooms glued to their phones: girls on social media and boys playing game like Fortnight with strangers – instead of learning how to drive. They’re not learning the social skills needed to better interact with the outside world. Teens aren’t breaking bones because they’re not playing outside.       

Two changes some schools have already instituted have proven to help: (1) more free play time and (2) having kids’ phones locked away for the entire school day. Teachers would agree: right now kids aren’t making friends or even interacting with each other in class or in the hallways – instead they’re glued to their phones. In schools where these measures have been implemented (1) test scores have risen, (2) incidents of trouble have decreased, and (3) students are happier and report less anxiety. No wonder the kids of tech executives are being sent to phone free schools.

The book was written by a psychologist, a parent of kids experiencing these issues. He admits that religious rituals like corporate worship reduce anxiety, foster needed community, and lead to better physical and mental health. He quotes Jesus’ words “judge not, lest you be judged” - though the opposite is most often the case on social media. Many blame colleges for warping the minds of students, when in fact a majority of students these days are arriving on campus unprepared for many of the real world experiences they are encountering. These students expect the college to protect them from having to hear viewpoints different from their own – and freedom of speech is limited.   

Cell phone addition has ramifications in adults as well: anxiety and decreased productivity for starters. I know I need to cut down on my cell phone use. It is where I get most of my news and sports updates, but I sure need to cut down. This is a book everyone should read – especially parents of kids five to 15.

Like dogs, deer, and other animals, people can be in a defensive mode or a discovery mode – especially children. While the defensive mode is sometimes necessary for survival, life is best lived in discovery mode. I was raised in a defensive environment, and so often it unfortunately remains my default mindset. So freeing to watch my kids and grandkids live in discovery mode.

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