
Sunday, June 02, 2024

Sweatmans BBQ

We had an eventful last day at the beach. Made it to the ocean by 8 am. Sure the sun had come up at 6 am, but it was early for Ceil. Sunny but a cool breeze. Low tide, so there was much more to explore. Took Ceil almost two hours to comb the sand looking for seashells, and she found plenty of. Winnie and I went out on the sand dunes that stretched way out to sea.

Stopped by a bakery on the way back for an apple fritter. Packed up then went out on one last shopping excursion. Grabbed a Publix sub for lunch.

I didn't want to hit Atlanta at rush hour, and we did a great job with that. Didn't leave Pawleys Island until 330. Headed south to Georgetown then east on 17A, north of Monks Corner to the outskirts of tiny Holly Hill.

A few years ago when we attended a family wedding in Charleston, Matthew had mentioned an out of the way BBQ place that had been too far upstate for us to try - but Ceil and I were able to go there this time.
Sweatmans is one of the top BBQ places in SC, out in a field in the outskirts of Holly Hill. The place hasn't changed much in well over 50-60 years, if not longer. We arrived before 530, but cars were coming and going at a steady pace the whole time we were there. A place where people of all races spoke to each other. An older couple were eating out on the front porch. The lady asked about our dog, and later came over to pet Winnie as we ate on a picnic table out front.
Ceil got a quarter chicken, green beans, and baked beans. I got the BBQ plate with two meaty ribs, pulled pork, macaroni and cheese, and Sweatmans' signature hash. The sauces were mustard based, or vinegar based.

Winnie sat with us. The serving lady directed me to a spigot to get water for Winnie. A great meal.
Then we continued to cut across the state on back roads, through Orangeburg, finding I-20 east of Aiken. We'd missed Atlanta rush hour, but we were so late that weekend construction had begun. Pulled into our driveway at 11 pm. Took over 30 minutes to unpack.

Listening to "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry", by a pastor who finally dialed back and simplified his life. Wrote how Jesus never hurried, even when his friend Lazarus was deathly ill. Wrote on what it means to observe the Sabbath - one of the Ten Commandments. About how just about all Americans are addicted to hurry (and their smart phones). Good stuff.
Up early to play golf. Beautiful sunrise. Teed off at 620 am. Brought my little pencil bag with no woods. Hit three or four balls.
1. One of my tee shots was decent. Pulled 3 fairway shots left. One good approach to the fringe. A couple of good chips. Bogey.
2. One decent tee shot, to the fringe. Couple good lag putts. Par.
3. Pulled two 8 irons left, then hit a nice low shot straight, that rolled to the back of the green. Okay lag. Par.
4. Two of the tee shots were fair. Chipped 3 balls onto the green. Bogey.
5. Hit one decent tee shot, that landed short of the green. One decent chip. Took three tries before I sank the 15 foot putt. Par.
6. Hit one low tee shot straight, that got a good roll. Hit one fairway shot that I thought was good, but never found it. Hit two decent chips. Bogey.
7. My first tee shot was decent. Okay fairway shot that didn't go as far as I wanted. Hit one okay approach that faded left. Mulligan was better, to the fringe. Okay lag. Bogey.
8. Hit one good tee shot. Pulled two approach shots left, but the third found the fringe. Two putt for par.
9. Pulled 3 tee shots left. Poked them back from under a tree. Two decent chips. Two putt. Double.

Speaking of golf, Caleb bought Anna a new golf bag (and a driver cover that looks like Goose. Her first lesson is Sunday.

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