
Sunday, July 28, 2024

How To Be On Time

Some people I know don’t want to be early or on time. They want to be late. They feel like it’s an imposition on someone to arrive early, even if its their best friend or family. If we’re on time they may have to engage in uncomfortable chitchat. They expect traffic to be light as opposed to heavy, which it almost always is in Atlanta. They are told a start time (say 6 pm), then think in their head the start time is 30 minutes later. This happens over and over. They have no concept of time, of how long it takes to get ready, get in the car, and on the road – then once they arrive, the extra time it takes to park and walk in. Church worship, doctor’s appointments, dinner parties, restaurant reservations. Drives me crazy.

Article: how to be punctual: the reasons people are late, and how to always be on time.

Those who are consistently late have a tendency to…

1. Misperceive the passage of time.

2. Underestimate how long things will take.

3. Engage in “magical” thinking – that they can do more in a specific amount of time than is possible.

4. Procrastinate in general.

5. Be easily distracted.

6. Need an external deadline to get motivated.

7. Enjoy the satisfaction of rushing against the clock.

8. Feel anxiety.

9. Desire to feel special / unique.

10. Engage in passive aggressive rebellion.

11. Desire to feel powerful.

Tips for arriving on time…

1. Own up to the problem.

2. Redefine punctuality as a matter of integrity.

3. Start taking note of the benefits of punctuality.

4. Learn to make your needs known and don’t rebel against something you freely chose yourself.

5. See yourself as part of a team. Life isn’t all about you.

6. Work on your powers of concentration.

7. Find more constructive ways of getting your adrenaline rush and feeling special.

8. Redefine your concept of “wasted” time. Waiting because you arrived early is guilt free luxury time. There’s always things to check on your phone, or bring a book to real. Close your eyes and relax. Pray.

9. Shoot to arrive 15 minutes early. That way if you get delayed, you will still be on time.

10. There may be times when arriving early may be a bad thing. If so arrive on time or no more than 5-10 minutes late, so they don’t start to worry where you are.

11. Correct your magical thinking and misperceptions about time.  

a. Make a chart of how long you think your daily tasks take you, then time yourself to see if you are right.

b. Organize your time with a daily planner.

c. Use a timer to stay on track.

Keep a clock in every room – even the shower.

d. Keep things like your keys in set places.

e. Leave important items by the door.;!!AE29DT8V!SbYviI1Qs4p4J9I6gqPmVYHQnFGQTXL0MVUw8LT_GVUPfoW602Eacazos3ZD408Z6Pqk4O1i0KNWvV3-R9U$

680theFans' Hometown Brandon Leak (right, interviewing Michael Harris) was rocking the same camo Braves cap that I own.

I noticed one of my toenails was black and blue. Not sure what happened.

Taco Bell has a deal: 30 days of a small nacho fries (& cheese dip) for $10.00. Just what I need. I had seen the deal before, and finally took it on Sunday July 14. Could save $20.00. So far I’ve stopped by to cash in every day for 8 days straight. But the drawbacks are many: (1) the order is small. (2). Since I’m in my car I rarely use the cheese dip. (3) Taco Bell often has poor service. This alleged “fast food” requires a wait of 5 minutes or longer. (4) When I use the drive thru, I’m burning gas, adding to global warming / climate change like everyone else. (5) The deal doesn’t seem to work at the combined KFC / Taco Bell locations. 

McDonalds has their deal back: free large fries with purchase the day after a Braves player doubles. Last year you got a large Coke as well. There’s already a deal in their app for free fries with any $2 purchase (and just about everything costs $2 anyway).   

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