
Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sheep in Wolf's Clothing?

Me typing out my thoughts: I hate that the candidates are just badmouthing each other instead of detailing what they’ll do to improve our country. JD addresses the issues more than the other three. He misleads and lies the least. I’m not looking to vote for the most likeable candidate. Our country needs a strong, experienced leader who knows how to run things, who knows how to stand up to the tirants trying to tear apart the very fabric of our society. 

How can I trust a candidate to follow through on their promises when they’re constantly changing positions? They’re saying things to get votes, with no intention of actually doing them. The governor of Minnesota keeps “misrepresenting” his military service, his football coaching career, and other things. How can I trust what he says?


Some of the major issues as I see them: The US can’t keep overspending and going deeper and deeper in debt. The US economy is in a recession. The government reports over 800,000 fewer jobs were actually created than originally reported – yet the Democrats keep talking about how great the economy is. My grocery bill says otherwise. Kamala says she will cut taxes for the middle class, but her proposal raises taxes for retirees making withdrawals from their retirement savings. Her proposal to give homebuyers $25000 will only increase home prices by that same amount. Her proposal to freeze grocery prices proved catastrophic when implemented previously. I can look back at what Trump did as president and be confident he will continue along that same path. The economy was better. Prices were lower. America was stronger. The world was a safer place. Today the US is operating from a position of weakness. Trump stood up to China. Should late term abortions be celebrated?


As an American citizen, I have no problem with legal immigration. Trump was building a border wall, and illegal immigration had decreased substantially during his term. When Biden took office he immediately reversed Trump’s border policies, and the flow of illegal immigrants surged for three years. Reports of crime. Murders. Violence. Stealing. Destruction of property. Drugs are flowing. Human trafficking (the government has lost track of over 250,000 illegal immigrant children). These illegals are being given benefits not given to veterans or other US citizens in need – and have been given voter registration forms. Only with the 2024 election looming did Biden take steps to slow the tide. I have no confidence that things would improve should Harris be elected. She has said that illegals should vote. Said “an undocumented alien is not a criminal”. Why would I want to vote for this?


Haven’t we sent enough money to Ukraine? There’s been no accountability for where all that money went. We have so many needs here in the US. How can Kamala pay for the Green New Deal while also bankrolling Ukraine, making housing affordable, and fulfilling her promise to return to the days of single income households?


I’m seeing a parade of confiscated US military vehicles in Afghanistan. I’m seeing Christians persecuted but other religions welcomed – despite what’s going on in England and other countries. Biden said he’d withhold aid to Israel – God’s chosen people. Not sure why any Jew would vote for them. Kamala is hinting otherwise, after months of previous comments to the contrary. Why should I trust her? Seems like she is just saying things to get elected.


I want a President who can conduct an intelligent conversation. Trump can do it. Vance can. Kamala has yet to demonstrate to me that she can. As President she would have to negotiate with Putin and China and other world leaders. Being the President of the United States is serious business. I want to see some substance, not just “vibes”.   


Is this unreasonable? Is it hateful? Why?

DENISON: one of the primary criticisms of Harris’s campaign was that it subsisted more on vibes than substance. The Dispatch’s Nick Catoggio used a Seinfeld line to liken it to “a show about nothing,” and he was hardly alone in that sentiment. Polls have found more voters trust Trump on key issues like the economy, immigration, and public safety. The DNC’s party platform covers a variety of issues, but Harris has already announced competing plans on several of them. Many were hoping Harris’s speech would clarify what she hopes to accomplish if elected. However, details were scant throughout the 40-plus minutes she spoke. While she spoke to her goals and priorities should she be elected, she went into more detail on Project 2025 and claims that it represents what Trump would do if he wins—an association he has frequently denied—than she did on her own platform. 

As the calendar turns toward the first debate, will the VP shed further light on her policies prior to that point or try to keep to the same approach her campaign has used to date? Given that 69 percent of voters believe major changes are needed, it’s doubtful  her campaign can maintain the same momentum without demonstrating that she can bring about that change. Thursday night was her biggest opportunity to do just that, and she largely opted against it. The  reason for Harris’s silence on policy positions to this point in her campaign is that such silence gives people room to see what they want to see. Once she takes a side, she will inevitably alienate a portion of the populationKamala Harris addresses the nation at the DNC (

I've agonized over this. Our country is such a mess. This post may be trite talking points, but that's exactly what I'm hearing supporters from the other side, if that.

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