
Sunday, September 15, 2024

Wedding Photo Dump

Thursday night dinner at the Golden Nugget. Can you tell I didn't know a picture was being taken?

Anna got a spray tan.
Rusty pulled up with the back of his SUV full of alcohol. We took it all inside the house to chill with the flowers. 
Ceil remained bundled up to keep warm, with the AC cranked down to 64.
Katherine with her eleven bridesmaids, including Anna in yellow.
Rusty delivered another fine father of the bride speech, completely without notes.
Dic Dac, Steve Jackson, and Phil were looking at something.
Chase, Dic Dac, Debbie, and Chase and his girlfriend.
Friends since childhood: Dic Dac, Jackson, Rusty, Phil
Almost forgot to take a selfie with Phil. He took one on his phone as well.

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