
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

King Kong

You can get an 82 game Braves season package for $249.00…upper pavilion aisles 421 and over. Or behind the plate/between the bases ‘upper box’ 30 games packages for $330.00. They have two practice games against the ChiSox that the boys will want to hit. Matthew opted out of yesterday’s Hawks game, but asked questions about the experience when we returned.

Partied out from the weekend…out til 12:30 Friday and Saturday night. Saturday there was an afternoon party, then the kids went to a friend’s house while we ate out and shopped. Sunday was constant from 7:30 am to 6:30 pm. Missed the sermon. Andy had a death in the family, so Buckhead’s Jeff Henderson filled in, the ex-Chick-fil-A / basketballer.

"Top Ten King Kong Pet Peeves"
10. No "Big & Tall" shops in the jungle.
9. The Empire State Building is always chafing inner thighs.
8. Child-proof aspirin bottles apparently also gorilla-proof.
7. Has to pay for extra seat when flying coach.
6. Peeling 6,000 tiny bananas daily.
5. All-you-can-eat shrimp at Red Lobster not available to giant apes.
4. "One size fits all" -- like hell!
3. Statue of Liberty won't return phone calls.
2. Tired of acting, wants to direct next film.
1. Electrolysis.

"Have you seen the 'King Kong' movie?
Kong falls in love with an actress.
You can tell because he jumps up and down on Oprah's couch."

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