
Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Christmas & New Years

Ran some errands (Wendy's, etc) last night that took longer than planned. Was listening to the pregame on the radio, but got back in the car from the store and had missed the start of the game. Munson was frantic...didn't know if they could come back. The score was 7-0! Munson was also talking the whole time about how bad the refs were. (speaking of Munson, he has a grandson that sings in the Johnson Ferry children's choir).

Nice to see UGA come back and make a game of it...unlike Georgia Tech and Miami. It's my belief that the coaching staff determines stuff like that. Both UGA and West Virginia seemed to be well coached. West Virginia took less highly-recruited players, developed good offensive, defensive, and special team schemes, and took advantage of turnovers and field position. Still UGA almost won.

Didn't think LSU had a chance without their starting QB, the way they played in the SEC championship game. I was thinking the LSU coaches had done a poor job in the UGA game, but they sure turned it around against Miami.

Ate at P.F. Chang's on New Year's Eve, then had dessert at a friend's, the kids stayed home watching Sky High. Still made it home in time for everyone (but me) to be asleep by midnight.

Hadn't ran across a Wendy's without cups until your email came through last Thursday…on the way home one Wendy's had no medium cups. All 32 credits have posted to my account, but I need to check Ceil's account. Cut out a bunch of cups last night during the Sugar Bowl. Figured there'd be some capacity control issues…does this mean the sooner the flight is booked, the better? With Little League and ballet, our trips will probably be in June. Do these credits not need to be used within a year of when they're posted?

I was six cups short, so I ran out at lunch and got five. A coworker says he has one at home, but I’ll probably stop on the way home one last time. I wasn’t in a hurry about getting cups, but only had Christmas Day planned to get zero. Got several when we left town on the 23rd, but didn’t make it on the 24th. Turned out it didn’t matter, as the closest Wendy’s to Ceil’s parents, across the NC line 30 miles away, didn’t have the blue cups on the 26th (I had to run up there for Ceil on both the 24th and 26th. This past Sunday we went to Macon, and the one in Forsyth had medium cups, so I hit it coming and going.

Nice explanation...You have 1 year from when the credits post to your account to redeem the credits for a flight voucher... once the flight voucher is issued, you have 1 year to redeem the flight voucher... i.e. (hypothetically) my credits posted on 12/31/05, I could redeem my credits for a voucher on 12/30/06 and redeem my voucher on 12/29/07 for a flight leaving November 20 2008 and returning Nov 27, 2008 (I believe AT is like other Airlines and releases Cap Control seats 330 days before the flight)...if you are going to shoot for June, it would probably be best to book ASAP (especially since there will be 5 of you).

The Wendy’s south on Sandy Plains had large cups last night. The one west on Canton Hwy, north of Piedmont, last night had mediums only if you ask.

If you go more than once in a calendar year to Disney World, is it worth getting a season’s pass? My friend whose wife has a hard time with uncommitted small group members has gone the season’s pass route for several years, but I don’t know how many times they’d go.

Other Christmas stuff…was up past midnight Christmas Eve getting stuff out, and Central Florida’s Hawaii Bowl OT loss was entertaining. Had to go play paintball in the woods with Will and other cousins and relatives, etc, on the 26th. The company paintballing was ok, but I’m not a big paintball fan. Got lots of organizing done on the 31st and yesterday, but could use another 4-day weekend.

Got Will a nice red Francoeur jersey for Christmas. Didn’t like the replica they had at the Braves store for $54.00, and I found an ‘official’ one at Gwinnett Mall for only $89.00. You never know if the fabric is official, and it doesn’t have the name plate on the back, now that I think about it. But the Francoeur letters are stitched on, so it looks as close as possible. Pet peeve…there are so many white Braves jerseys with blue numbers or red letters…why bother?

That said, he also got some Nike under-armor with one navy sleeve and one red sleeve, like those Florida/Miami/Virginia Tech jerseys. He and Matthew got matching white tees with navy sleeves, with A. Jones 25 on the back. Anna likes her karaoke machine. On the 2nd I cleaned out her room and put a desk in there.

Got back on the 27th in time to pick up my formerly flat tire, a story I'll bore you with later. Unpacked the van, ate supper, helped Will put the tire on the civic, and ran to the airport to pick up a friend.

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