
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Dr. Denmark

I was here at work yesterday...figured out how much we spent on Christmas. A fellow wanted me to go to the Hawks game yesterday...I knew it was a day game, and one guy here already had off. Another person was bad (hospital) sick, so it wasn't a good day to take off. And with McGrady and Yao out, I guess I could've watched Barry he still on the Rockets?

In the early days Ceil really got a lot out of taking the kids to Dr. Denmark, when they were sick or she was at her wits end. We have photos and receipts...she always used those old carbon-type fancy paper receipts for the seven or ten dollars she charged. A friend has photos and paperwork from Dr. Denmark framed on their wall. I think she was the only doctor the Norman kids ever went to.

Have y'all been watching '24' last night and Sunday? We're hooked again, to the extent of ignoring the ringing phone and our children. Luckily the two nights with two-hour episodes are over...but tonight I have a meeting and late movie to go to, tomorrow night another meeting, and Friday we have small group, so I'm on the go for a while.

Will Bill Curry get the job at Tech? Sounds like Hewitt wants to eventually go to the NBA...and the Knicks. Did Lang go see the Hawks play in NYC?

I was worn out from staying up late Thursday night…napped Sunday afternoon for three hours.
Was up late Friday and Saturday as well. Still feel tired. Our company stayed at a hotel near North Point Mall, so Saturday afternoon the kids went swimming. Myron enjoys fixing things more than sitting around chatting, watching TV, or doing touristy things, so he spotted some things to fix, so we hit Home Depot and got’r done.

Anna got to spend Saturday night at the hotel with the daughter, and enjoyed the breakfast buffet.

Wanted the Colts, Redskins, and Pats to win, but Plummer and Ben will be fun to watch. Can’t believe that was Champ Bailey with the long interception return. Didn’t watch much football or anything elsethis weekend.

Andy just covered the foyer/living room/kitchen table concept yesterday instead of a ‘regular’ sermon, but our friends liked it anyway. Funny opera man skit in KidStuf.

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