
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Stuff From the Pile

Finally compiled the stats for Matthew’s team. His average has risen to .588, and he’s tied for second on the team in doubles. He could very well finish sixth on the team in average.

Lucas, the smallest boy on the team is the best fielder, making several double plays and other nice stops. He also leads the team in hitting, batting .941…going 32 for 34 without striking out. I hope he makes the all-stars! Matthew wanted to vote for himself, and I didn’t think that would be against the rules. The second smallest is a year younger than all the rest, playing up a league. He is batting .862 with no strikeouts.

Both Saturday and Sunday afternoon Matthew had me outside playing ball. First we hit, then I got him working on catching the ball in the air…”line drives” and pop-ups. Saturday we used a tennis ball, but he worked up to a baseball on Sunday. He was also throwing harder. Games tonight, Thursday, and Saturday. Hoped it would be movie night, but Will has a late game out past Woodstock.

Interesting that Bonds sat out after hitting 713. Haven’t heard anyone compare that to when Aaron sat in Cincy after hitting 714, only to have the commissioner order him to play the third game of the season.

You’d think Chipper would see he'd help the team more playing first, though isn’t he buds with LaRoche? He probably has an eye on the HOF, and wants to pad his 3rd base stats. Gammons said Andruw was a HOF shoo-in…nice to hear from someone like that.

Saw Ron Howard on Leno last night…and Jeter on Letterman. Dave was trying to get some nightlife stories out of Jeter, who wasn’t biting. Derek didn’t have anything bad to say about Bonds, either. Hanks had been on Letterman not long ago as well.

Friday was the home school conference. Being out 6 of the last 8 days has stuff piled up. They brought in a temp to help with the account everyone is struggling with, and she is actually doing stuff that will help me more than that's good, except I'll be spending time with the temp instead of catching up.

Used the line just the other day…the pen is mightier than the sword, to a boy on my son’s science trip. He had left his pen on a sand sculpture, and was using it as a sword. But then he said it was actually only a mechanical pencil, not a pen. So we agreed that the pencil is probably AS mighty as a sword.

We haven’t neared the teen driving bridge, so I know nothing of what the current laws are. I am sure my brother's family is getting well informed on the subject. Government and businesses are probably sending them plenty of unsolicited information. Anything I could add would probably be simple stuff they learned long ago.

C mentioned my mom's offer, and I have the newspaper clipping here in my pile of paperwork. Hope to be able to look at it this week. I have a hard time getting bills paid on time! Our new PC isn’t completely set up yet, though I’ve been on the phone with Nita and Brad for long periods of time. We’re still getting out spring summer clothes, putting up winter clothes, and going through junk to give away. C has cleaned out several rooms, but we still have a ways to go.

We try and complete the essential tasks. We got a bunch done this weekend, considering we were gone Saturday from 8 am until after 4 pm, at ball games, birthday parties, and home school conferences.

Generally during the summer the plan is to prepare for the next school year…lining up the new curriculum, clean out / box up the old books, write lesson plans, etc. There are a few home school seminars to attend…it’s a year around, full time job! Last summer we weren’t able to get to the swimming pool as much as the year before. We are such thermometers, the day-to-day stuff keeps us so occupied that we rarely do much extracurricular.

Have yet to plan a summer work trip yet…we have some airline tickets that I need to schedule before they expire. Perhaps Boston or San Francisco, not that we have money for hotels, food, etc. It’ll be a short trip, but worth it, considering how much fun the NYC trip was.

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