
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Weekend Stuff

We went to 12:20 service Sunday…we slept in and waited until the in-laws left before going to church. With them in town, I stayed up and watched most all of the three Arizona games, while I was sitting at the table ‘working’ on my laptop…compiling Matthew’s team stats. Nice to know McCann wasn’t seriously hurt, but the pain will probably remain the rest of the year.

Matthew’s coach had me ‘scout’ the end of the first-round playoff game Saturday, as Matthew’s practice was starting. We play a team I had missed while out of town. We should win, as the Muckdogs weren’t hitting it hard…but anything can happen.

The other night the coach's son hit the first ever over-the-fence home run, that that age group, on that huge field they play on. He's not that good of a hitter…bad form, etc…but when he gets the bat on the ball, it goes a long way. Watching the ball, he missed first base, and had to go back to touch it. I'd thought Will or his ex-teammate Chad would be the first to homer. Maybe Will can hit one out it the fall. Killian Owen’s brother plays on the Blue Pony team, and has been a teammate of Will’s in the past. His parents started the Coaches Curing Kids Cancer organization. I was thinking about writing up one of those “sunshine reports” about the game, since it was so exciting and because of Luke’s home run…which was great.

Tuesday after the game I couldn’t believe it when the coach announced the Rome trip. I’ve never been to a Rome game (Will, Ceil, Anna, and Matthew have, with the Atkins)…but Tuesday afternoon, before leaving work, I called and bought the family tickets to the Saturday May 27 game! So the rest of us won’t go back on Sunday, though Will will be happy to.

Ceil enjoyed Wicked…sort of a prequel to the Wizard of Oz.

Finances...I put the monthly category totals in their own chart, so I can see how we’re doing every month in every category. Usually I spend a day a month on it, but I’m behind. I do the same thing with my checking account ledger…putting in future expenses to project my checking account balance. I finally made a month by month projection of expenses, inputting quarterly and annual expenses the month they come due. Then I could tell which months would be the tightest.

This temp is catching on pretty good, but it’s taking up lots of time teaching her. The last two trainees were trained by someone else, and their overall grasp isn’t that good. Proud, aren’t I?

Braves notes...Chipper’s hips are big, but over the years I wondered if he did steroids. Last night his head and neck (and shoulders?) looked smaller…may have been the buzz haircut. Was reading some AJC bloggers wondering if Chipper is playing hurt. Perhaps Sunday's gaffe was just the thing to get LaRoche going. I didn’t get offered any tickets to this day game…every now and then it happens. I stuck with the game the other night and it turned out good. Only 4.5 back.

Last year I got Matthew a white Braves jersey that's hanging in his closet…we always forget about it. He likes the light blue polyester Dale Murphy era replica jersey that's hanging next to it, but it's still a little big. Anna seems to be more into the Braves this year, so perhaps she'll tag along when we go.

Last week Lang had front row tickets at Yankee Stadium…caught a foul ball off ARod's bat. Good game to see, if he stayed to the end.

Laura’s dad Lindsay worked with Catherine’s dad as well as Tech, they don’t live too far from each other. When Steve got sick Lindsay took over the ongoing engineering projects and gradually closed down the business. He also organized meetings of friends to structure support for the family, and helped Becky’s brother (an accountant) with the finances, insurance, etc. We know each other, but Laura’s aunt Julianne was my age and a contemporary of mine…her ex-husband played softball with me and Steve.

I'll have to get the AirTran vouchers before I can book the flights. If we go to SF, it'll have to be September…or next year.

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