
Friday, December 15, 2006

Thoughts on Files

Helping mom set up a simple filing system. She’s concerned her ADD is a hinderance, since ADD people have organizational problems. Her situation is ideal, because she is retired and has time to regularly keep up a filing system. My parents look at so many things through a microscope, since they have the time. Immediately going to Publix to cash in the mystery coupon, etc. Here’s what I told her for starters…

Random thoughts on filing…
Half the trick is having the time to actually do the filing. One you have the basics down, if you can work on it for about an hour several days a week, you’ll get caught up. Then the filing time will be reduced to as little as 5 minutes a day. You can file things as you get them.

A key is to always be able to close the drawer, and not leave files spread out on a desk or table. If you leave stuff out, by the time you come back to it you’ll have go through it again to remember what it is.

Once you get the medical records organized, perhaps you can create an Excel or Word document to summarize them by date. Then you’ll have a single piece of paper or two that you can take to Doctor’s appointments. This will allow old records from previous years to be filed away, preventing un-needed clutter. At year end all records from that year can be taken out of the files and packaged up, perhaps boxed in the basement or attic.

My filing system…
Used to consider myself organized, but I don’t have time to file…it is the lowest of priorities. I barely have time to pay the bills, much less file them. So I have one file for bills/bank statements/tax return stuff, one file for semi-permanent stuff for the house, investments, and taxes, a file for medical stuff, a file for each car. There are perhaps ten files for major categories.

I throw paperwork in these various files all year. At year end I take a few hours to sort it all out and organize, giving me the information needed to do my taxes. This is the time I go through and throw away any stuff I don’t want to keep. I use a stapler, rubber bands, paper clips, and perhaps file folders. The whole packet for the year gets bundled up and boxed away. This way the files don’t get too large, and it’s easier to stay organized.

I do have files just for stuff I want to save. Stuff gets thrown in there and perhaps I’ll look at it once a year at best. It’s fun to look at, but over half the time I look for a particular item, I can’t find that item. More often I find things that I’ve completely forgotten about. Whenever I go through one of these files, if I see anything to throw it away, I do so.

I also have files that are only on the computer…my checking account, calendar, investments, auto records, etc. No need to print them out…I always can look it up on the PC. I keep unpaid bills separate, in a place where I won’t forget to pay them!

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