
Thursday, May 24, 2007

Dodging the Police

Had my second close call with a police car in as many days. Monday I was passed near the Roswell Square by a black SUV in a hurry. We both turned onto Oxbo. The police were coming the other way. I saw him and slowed, but the police passed me, then turned around and hit the lights. It passed me and got the SUV, but I didn’t breathe until I passed them, fearful that he would wave me over as well. Yesterday evening I rolled through a right-on-red onto Johnson Ferry, then sped up and got in the left lane. A police car came up fast behind me, so I slowed down, and eventually signaled and got in the right lane. The police car stayed in my blind spot, not passing. I kept going south on JF as the police car finally turned left onto 120. Had to make a U-turn to go home.

Hawks caught a break for sure…would be nice if they could get the OSU PG and Georgetown center. Seems like Josh Smith & Marvin could be enough where they could do without that Texas forward, good as he is. But you never know with Billy Knight calling the shots. Your thoughts?

Listened to the Braves on the way home from baseball practices. Matthew was hitting well last night…in no socks and Crocs for shoes. He always seems to peak right at the end of the season. His championship game is on the smaller field that he doesn’t like…sometimes there are tough bounces of the lip of the grass. But the setting sun won’t be a factor.

Will has a Thursday game and Friday doubleheader. He hasn’t pitched well on back to back days. No baseball Saturday! If I’m a good husband I plan something fun for the family, though Will has at least one Sunday game, and Monday we go to a cookout. Social overload.

Appears Kelly Johnson is back on a roll. Someone said it was good that Cox rested Kelly Sunday after he had a huge game, as opposed to after taking an 0-fer…better for the confidence. Same with Torre and the rookie pitcher who doubled off the Mets…took him out after seven with his confidence intact. Thorman was 0 – 9 went he blasted his HR deep to right. Interesting that Lemke was doing color on radio last night, and Skip was on TBS. DOB had some good stats on the Jones’…Chipper has struck out less in the last calendar year than Andruw has this season.

Can’t believe all the Vick-lovers calling into Buck & Kincaid, who are telling it like it is. Buck said Herschel never got in such trouble, but he didn’t bring up the falling asleep in the garage with the engine going incident. Tom Brady has had the recent pregnant ex-girlfriend episode, but he owned up to it…nothing like Vick’s repeated offenses.

What restaurants have y’all been to lately? We went to Moe’s, Chipotle, and Chili’s with the grandparents, and here at work I went to Firehouse Subs and Ruby Tuesday. The height of cuisine.

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