
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

First Day of School

Anna and Matthew started their Veritas School today. Matthew was excited, had his huge new backpack full and by the back door last night. Said he needed an alarm clock, which is hilarious because of what a late sleeper he is. One of his teammates from last baseball season is in his class, who has a similar temperament.

Things have changed so much with the orders I review, that this week I’m going through all 850 open orders, cleaning them out so it’s not so confusing. In the past different types of orders were on different reports, but now they’re all jumbled together. I’m on page 15 of 17. We’re just figuring out that the year-end change from standard costing to average costing really messed up the type items I handle. The programmers and purchasing went about things in a complicated way, which didn’t help things.

Finalizing plans to be in Richmond Monday & Tuesday.
Doubt I’ll make it up to Fredericksburg to see the friends.

The next two weeks Will had weekday afternoon games in Southwest Atlanta and Douglasville, so I’ll probably miss them. Ceil may go. I’ll make the Saturday game in LaGrange in February.

Rowland sure has slacked off in the off-season, though there’s not too much he can write. FanFest would be kinda crowded for a little one, though the games would be fun, though the lines probably long.

In Martian Child the John Cusack character talks to a counselor about his adopted son. The counselor was only in one scene, but the clean-cut older actor looked familiar. The scene passed quickly, so I didn’t figure it out. Turned out to be Howard Hessman, the DJ from WKRP in Cincinnati. Interesting that they worked baseball into the movie…wonder if that had to do with Cusack.

We haven’t sent any more Christmas cards since the first batch, though we did send one to the Freunds and I think the Coleys. Tonight Ceil suggested we make them Valentines Day cards, like Sallie once did.

Good to hear from Missy, who I'll update tomorrow!

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