
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Uni Stuff

As I expected, DOB’s rant on the Braves unis to show up in Uni Watch, where the general consensus is that the blue jerseys are bad and the red jerseys are tolerable. I do like the all-navy caps.

UniWatch had a story recently about a guy in Portland? who ran a bowling alley, who showed off all the jerseys, jackets, and sneakers he had picked up at thrift stores. He had a huge closetfull at least, a whole bunch of stuff. He didn’t seem to be picky…if it was sports related, he got it.

I’m much more choosey…there are often cool shoes, but I rarely bite. I only get stuff that’s relatively authentic (I do like the Dodgers jersey, even if it’s got the wrong name on back). But should I go off the deep end, that Portland guy was me. I’m actually hitting thrift stores less often, and buying less. I used to get replica NFL jerseys that Will loved. Matthew wore a Farve jersey a little bit, but he’s pretty anti-sports these days, probably because Will is so into sports. Matthew is a sucker for a cool t-shirt, and often wears his Andruw, Wrigley Field, or NYY t-shirts. He won’t wear the Mets tee that Ceil got in NYC. He used to love the Red Sox Nomar tee I got him in Cooperstown, but didn’t wear it once this summer.

When you think about the Braves that will be back next year, plus all the salary money becoming available, there’s a lot to look forward to for next year. It’s really the storylines that have me interested in football. It’s interesting who you can run in to at a Braves game. I ran into an old roommate a few years ago that I hadn’t seen in years. I got the dugout seats for tonight’s game, but I can’t stay long…I have to pick up Will and Matthew.

Matthew went to the eyedoctor today. Tonight he’s going over to play with a kid in his 5th grade science class, the younger brother of the ever-popular Kyle, who Will will be hanging out with.

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