
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

At the Macon Heart Center

My dad’s heart cath couldn’t have gone better. He went into it very discouraged. Eleven years ago the same procedure was very painful, then he had to stay in the hospital and have four bypasses. He has been in pain and been dropping things lately, and is frustrated he can’t do yardwork. It’s been a chore to walk down to the mailbox.

The doctor discovered an irregular heartbeat he hopes to correct in a few months. Two arteries were partially blocked, but it was determined he didn’t even need a stint. One of dad’s meds will be reduced in half. The worst part for him was having to lay still for six hours in recovery, without even holding his head up.

Worked til 12:20 yesterday before driving to Macon. As I was approaching the hospital around two my sister called, irate. I had regrettably mentioned on Facebook Monday night that I was “going to Macon tomorrow.” Nita is famous for reading my blog and repeating details back to family members…quite inaccurately. She said I only said I was coming to Macon “to get out of work.” What does Facebook have to do with going to work? And I had “said” I’d be there “in the morning” (no, I said “tomorrow”…look it up!).

After visiting dad for a while I drove home to cut the grass. Took the scenic route past my high school, taking several streets from the old days…a rare treat. Got done with most of the needed work by six, when my sister picked me up. Dad was supposed to be discharged at eight, along with four other patients…so it took longer. Dad was itching to go, but when the nurse was finally checking him out, he started telling stories. Guess he was happy to be dressed and off the bed.

Afterward he seemed encouraged. When we got home at 9:45 he walked down the driveway to the mailbox.

Since he was doing so well I drove back last night, arriving around midnight. Tired today.

Reading the book “Winning” by the former GE CEO. He reads the book on CD and tells numerous anecdotes, making all the business stuff more tolerable. Worked it into a conversation this AM with the Ogre and Randy, regarding a $1.5 million problem I hadn’t thought the Ogre knew enough about. He understands how the problem grew to what it is, and what needs to happen going forward. Last year that wasn’t the case. The book mentions the “GE Workout”, a term my old boss was in love with.

Monday evening before meeting Ceil I flipped on the TV, and saw Lang’s wife interviewed on Entertainment Tonight. Jennifer Garner was the subject.

Been so busy it was Tuesday afternoon before I found out Boyer had been traded. Hopefully the change will help him out. Completely missed these last two Nats games.

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