
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Facebook Primer

...Originally I got set up Facebook to view photos from a HS reunion I’d missed. Will boasted to his friends that I was on Facebook, and after last fall’s retreat many asked me to be friends.

...I try not to ask teens, especially girls, to be friends, but will accept if they ask me. Teens seem to use FB to chat with those on line…I hardly ever do. Girls post more pictures.

...Grownups use it to keep in touch, and make contact with old friends. Last week at the beach I learned that Mandy, a classmate of Lang’s we were close to, was running a half-marathon in the wine country north of SF. Sunday she saw Ceil at Costco and knew to ask about our vacation, since she’d read about it on FB.

...Missy, the blogger from Saipan, has moved back to Tifton with her adopted 2 year old. She was also in the same Lang/Mandy class.

...Interesting to see what some people will say next. Some spend lots of time taking quizzes, which I rarely do. Took the ‘which Mayberry’ character’ quiz…I turned out to be Gomer.

...FB has actually helped me stay more in touch with my brother and sister. Several co-workers are on it, but I try to stay away from them. I did become friends with Sherry, whom I’ve mentioned before. She called me out when I told a joke at work this week, saying she’d already read it on my Facebook.

...During basketball season many of Will’s teammates (& their parents) enjoyed the game recaps I posted on FB. They’d ask if I was staying for the varsity game, knowing if I did there would be a recap to read.

...Old friend David Hurt got a FB, prompted by his wife and 2 daughters. He tried it for 2 weeks and quit.

...Luckily I can’t log on at work. I know I won’t die if I miss a day…usually if I get on the internet I’ll log on to FB and do a quick scan of what’s going on, and keep it up while checking my other routine sites…mostly just Uni-Watch, Rowland, and the AJC. I rarely enter contests any more at all.

...The Coleys appear to use it sparingly.

...Will just posted a bunch of photos from the trip that are good. Ceil snapped the camera just before Will ran over the second-baseman, and the photo on his Facebook received several funny comments from teammates.

...My sister posted several photos of me when I was a kid, so I used one for my portrait. Matthew is fascinated by it, since I look so much like him. There’s a baseball team photo, from the one year I was the star player. My dad was the coach.

...On the Facebook Braves Fan page people can submit blog posts, though few do. Then few comment on the blog posts. I submitted two over a week ago that have yet to be posted.

Ceil was exhausted last night when she finally got home from picking up Anna in Lilburn. Took her to Publix and Matthew to Moes. Now he’s to the point where a Moo Moo doesn’t fill him up.

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