
Monday, November 16, 2009


The SPdL Chapel Choir Reunion is planned for February 27. It starts at 10 am and runs into later that afternoon, with lunch served. I know Jim & Kimberly Johnson are coming…at least 50 more have RSVP’d. Andy Collins goaded Mr. Condra into it. I was fortunate enough to attend the Tech Homecoming game, and was able to stop by and see Bobby Evans and Harriett at the BSU. Most of the crowd had moved on, but Andy Berquist was there.

Ceil and I are excited about a new small group we just joined, focusing on marriage enrichment. A counselor we’ve been to is leading it, and his wife. They are also friends, their daughter went to school & youth with Will. Appears to be a deep, honest look at our relationship. Another couple we’re close to is also in the group.

Facebook has been a great tool to see what old friends are doing. It helps keep tabs on the friends the kids are hanging out with. Some call it a time-waster, but in five minutes every few days I can get updates on lots of people…Fred O, Dave Travis, Brett & Donna Freemon, and many others from the BSU and SPdL. On Halloween Dave Stewart wore a 30 year-old Charlie’s Trading Post shirt. Fun to see the pictures people share, and what they’re up to. Buddy Brinkley and Don Head are bi-vocational pastors. Dr. Headley builds massive treehouses and goes on scouting trips with his boys. Al Rahn drives a tractor. Even Bob & Myra have Facebooks!

Ceil and the kids are doing well. Matthew (11) has his moments, but started taking some light ADHD medication, which has helped him concentrate on school. He’s been helping Ceil in a 3-year old Sunday School class, where he is quite popular with his students. Anna (13) is becoming a young lady, takes ballet 4 days a week, and is chatting more and more with friends. Will (16) stills plays baseball, teaches Sunday School, and still spends a lot of time with the Norman boys.

Will and I just returned from his school trip to the Kennedy Space Center, & the nearby Merritt Island Wilderness Area. On the school trips, parents sent a letter of encouragement for their child to read…a special time. Will was the first to stand up on the Florida retreat and walk across the room to give his parent a hug (& tell me he loved me). That eased the tension, and younger students followed his example. Will is the hugger type and wants to be close to me, which helps. Anna is a tougher nut, but softens when I help her with homework. Ceil works at their Veritas School the one day they all take classes.

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