
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Another Busy Weekend

After staying out past two last Thursday, Ceil stayed out til 11:30 Friday night. She needed to swing by some other night-owls on the way home from the Living Science party, which was fun but long. David Hurt, Willis Norman, and I were in the back making Will and Margaret Hurt smile during the nativity scene / song.

Saturday Ceil and I went over to the Coleys to pick up bookcases for Anna’s room. It was the first time I’d seen Bryan in over a year. He’s doing good, except things are real slow financially. Says he reads the blog. Houston and Haviland were funny, singing and drawing. Still not used to Susan’s hair being so long. That night we went with Matthew’s class to the homeless church. Quite a contrast to NP, though some performances were even more heartfelt.

Sunday I got a good chunk of the skit written. There are still plenty of details and dialog to fill in, but at least now the ideas are really starting to flow. I sent to send a draft to Mrs. D. Will apparently had a “date” with a classmate Ceil says has been interested in him. After church he went to eat with her family, then they went to a movie.

Last night I thought I could work on the skit, but some an ex-neighbor said she was coming over. She dropped off the kids, but spent the evening across the street. We spent two hours cleaning, then she never came in.

Stayed up for the news, as Channel 11 ran the story of Margaret Hurt getting her Make-A-Wish horse. Mary was interviewed, and there were shots of Matthew and me in the background, and the Living Science choir singing at a nursing home.

Tomorrow I’m taking a vacation day. We’ll go to SC late Wednesday or early Thursday, and it sounds like we’re coming back late Saturday.

At least Wren got a starter and a pitching prospect for Vasquez. We knew getting anything for Lowe would be tough…guess the deal with the Angels never materialized.

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