
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hanging at the Property

Subbed for Ceil all day yesterday answering phones and helping out at Living Science. Monday night C and A were up late working on a science project, so I got to see the class presentations. The kids have to dress up.

One American History class had to dress up in Civil War attire…including Marshal, Christine, Caleb, and Pierce. Marshal looks much broader and taller than he did in October. His mom Allison confirmed that he was eating like a horse. She ought to know…she’s a horse-doctor!

Will wore a tie for Monday night caroling and the Tuesday presentations (he and Kara help out in Anna’s class). Friday night Will plays Joseph in the Nativity scene for the second time in three years. He missed last year because of basketball. Will is in the running with two other boys to replace Kyle as a two-week Expedition Leader, so I’ve been telling him he needs to be clean-shaven every day he goes up to school. But if he’s playing Joseph, perhaps he doesn’t need to shave.

Had a long chat with Lucy’s mom, as well as Alyssa’s mom, Mrs. Smith, and Mrs. D. Receptionist Shirley has been keeping up with me on Facebook, which is nice. Like Mrs. Kellar, she is a big football fan. DJ said it was “bring your favorite chaperone” day.

“Help” in the kitchen…Ceil is way more patient with stuff like that than me. When they were younger I was good at letting the kids help washing the car or raking leaves, or laundry.

We finally got our tree finished, but the boxes need to at least be put upstairs.

Pretty good memory, to remember Velma’s Diner from 2002. Now I’m remembering how the Elvis impersonators played the Wise Men…we three kings. Andy made a big deal about being on time next week. I wonder if the last installment of Velma’s Diner will be live on stage. In 2002 that last week was such a huge production.

Barbarinos Southwest Grille opened catty-cornered across from the Chipotle in Roswell…in the shopping center across from Dreamland on Alpharetta Highway and the Counter on Mansell. Some guys at work liked the Barbarinos out in Athens, so hopefully I can get Ceil to try it out soon.

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