
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Uncle John

If Furman Bisher were still writing, he would've written a column about my Uncle John dying. John started the Atlanta Steeplechase in 1966. Every time Bisher mentioned the steeplechase, he mentioned my uncle. Saw lots of relatives at the funeral that I hadn’t seen in a long time. My cousin Becca married a fellow named Peter Buck, who used to go to the SPdL FLC. They go to Buckhead Church now. He looked familiar, as he used to work out in the AM with Scot Wright, as I did. About my age. Becca gave a tremendous testimony, and her brother Gus was also quite personable. A 13 year-old grandson, a student at the Heiskell School, had the crowd in stitches.

Spoke with the Peachtree Presbyterian minister, Steve Huntley. He said he’d tell Mark & Marnie Crumpler hello. One of my nephews plays on the same home school football team as several of Will’s friends.

Ceil has been especially overwhelmed these last couple of days. She always takes a break from school on the weekend, then every Monday figures out what work needs to be done, usually by Wednesday. The kids also find other stuff to do besides homework on the weekends, then are slammed on Monday & Tuesday. Now that Matthew is taking guitar lessons he needs to practice...something else that can be done on the weekend.

Anna’s friend Molly’s mom has gone back to work as a nurse. Since their dad travels, they get an adult to sleep over when she pulls an all night shift. Ceil filled in Monday night. Anna sleeps over all the time, and Will sometimes sleeps over with Molly’s brother Spencer. Matthew stayed too, so I worked late, then cleaned up the downstairs.

So Tuesday Ceil is drove straight to Living Science in Woodstock, then north for Matthew’s guitar lesson, then back, then to John’s Creek for a dentist appointment. Will’s ball practice was cancelled, so she had a break. I went home on time to take Anna to ballet. I was gone most of the day as well, at the funeral in Buckhead, then delivering a check for work.

Will is looking forward to the new Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland movie. I'd probably only go if I needed to. He likes the commando movies, and movies like Pelham 921. Anna missed a sleepover when she was sick where her friends were going to see Leap Year.

When I was a kid I was afraid of dogs. We never had pets because I was allergic. We moved next to a huge german shepherd, that once chased me across the yard. After that I always took the long way to my friend's house. We’re sitting Annie, whose owner says she's afraid of herself. She's real sweet, and will quietly and gently approach, wanting to be petted. Speedle, the golden retriever we used to have, was much more outgoing, which would be overwhelming for a small child.

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