
Friday, June 24, 2011

CSI: Lenox Square

Thursday afternoon I started sneezing, and I felt terrible the rest of the night. Got home from work and talked to the A/C man…his wife teaches at Veritas. Then we all jumped in the car and I drove down to Buckhead. Dropped M & A off at Ptree Hills Park, and ate at Jaliscos.

Then we went made a quick trip to Lenox so Ceil could go into Anthropologie. Since I felt so bad I stayed in the car, with the window rolled down. A lot of the time I had my head down, but once I looked up and saw a guy breaking into a car with a slim jim. I didn’t see him walk up, so he might’ve actually driven up in the car and walked around to the passenger side. He calmly took the backpack, closed the door, and walked away. Not sure. Lenox sure has changed since the mid-90’s. There was an old car with 26” rims. I have no big desire to go down there and fight the traffic.

Traffic on Peachtree was light. On some straight stretches you can see several lights ahead, and you can see the yellow blinking countdown crosswalk lights. I was tempted to speed up so I’d make the light…making me think of Derek Lowe, who was caught for speeding a few months ago.

We got back to the park and sat for a while as the kids finished up. I enjoyed watching the non-competitive coed softball game…sure looked like fun. Met several Passion people, who came up and introduced themselves, including Louie’s right-hand man (who hadn’t heard of Jaliscos). When we got home we had to set up Anna’s bed (she finished painting her room). Then I crashed.

Just read an SI article about what might’ve happened if Steve Bartman hadn’t interfered with Moises Alou’s catch, and the Cubs went to the World Series. Bartman became a hero. The writer wrote a What If? book on politics…including JFK, RFK, Carter, Ford, and Reagan.

Wednesday night I worked out in the heat…the new A/C wasn’t finally working until Thursday AM. After supper I took Matthew swimming, until it started raining.

Anna wanted to watch “So You Think You Can Dance” so I started reading a new book: the autobiography of Keith Green. Good so far. Later she flipped to “Toddlers and Tiaras”, which was pretty sick. When Anna flipped over to the Braves replay. McCann was up. I told her he was going to hit a home run, and he did. I had known he hit one, but I didn’t know what inning.

Anna leaves Saturday on the NP youth trip, to Panama City I guess. Swimming, housework, and church are the only things on tap for us this weekend.

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