
Monday, April 23, 2012

Twitter vs Facebook

I’m no Twitter expert. It seems to work better when you’ve got a smart phone. That way you can quickly check it when you’re on the go. For either Facebook or Twitter to be of use, the friends you’re interested in have to be active users.

If none of your friends use Twitter, the only real reason to be on it is to follow celebrities. Ceil follows Christian leaders like John Piper and Tozer. I follow comedians and comedy writers like Steve Martin and Conan O’Brien (and Tozer). Andy Stanley rarely tweets, but Louie Giglio much more so.

Kids seem to converse with each other via Twitter, but I haven’t really figured that out. Supposedly its nice to “favorite” your friend’s tweet if you really like it, similar to liking a Facebook post. I haven’t yet really gotten into that habit.

Up to this point I really haven’t used Twitter in a “personal” way, because most of the young people I’m interested in tweet personal things to other friends that I’m not really interested in.

I have set up my Twitter account so that every time I tweet it automatically posts to Facebook. Sometimes I will re-tweet a funny tweet that I’ve read, sharing it with my Twitter followers and Facebook friends. The Facebook friends that follow me on Twitter find it easier to not miss my posts.

I only have 26 Twitter followers. I follow 20 people. In Twitter world you are cool if more people follow you and you follow, but I have much too few followers to be considered cool. Ceil follows 92 people, and has 31 following her. I think it’s considered good Twitter manners to follow someone who follows you, but I’m not really sure.

When I’m busy, like during the week, I will go all day without checking both FB & Twitter. Like many people, the newness of both has worn off.

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