
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Empty House?

A and M are going off on a Passion retreat. I had thought about Ceil and I should go to north Georgia or something…then Ceil said Will was coming home.

Last summer Will played softball down in Buckhead, with lots of guys his age. He and David Norman played on the same team that me and David Norman's dad played on in the 80's and 90's. Will also played a few games at Johnson Ferry, and I know old guys like me play there, and at Mt. Vernon Baptist across the river. I wasn't asked to play, but that got me thinking about playing again. My skill level has gone downhill, and my cannon arm is shot, but I'd like to think I'd be a better hitter after listening in on all the batting tips we've received over Will's baseball career.

We still need to get W and M baptized. M was all set to get baptized at NP, had written a good testimony and everything. Then he decided he wanted to get baptized at Passion. I need to get them on the list.

The "Once Upon a Secret" book written by Mimi Alford, who JFK had an affair with when she was a 19 year old White House intern, was interesting. Gave a different glimpse into JFK and that era. As a naïve, inexperienced college girl, she found it impossible to say no. Shortly before the assassination she got engaged to her first boyfriend. The last chapters of the book deal with the problems she had for the rest of her life, dealing with the affair.

"Drop Dead Healthy" was on Jeff Henderson's to-read list, so I added it to mine. Checked it out of the library not knowing it wasn't a serious health book, but a comedy book instead. I'm sure I'll enjoy it.

"The President's Club" is good, but deep. I've read about 20% of it. Eisenhower just got inaugurated.

1 comment:

  1. You put all but one paragraph in here twice. Check it out!!
