
Monday, June 17, 2013

Life's a Beach

Every day my father in law cooks eggs, grits, and bacon for breakfast, so every day I eat a bacon egg and cheese on toast sandwich. Sunday morning I got up at nine and went for a run. Got out on the beach and stayed all day, except for coming in for for lunch: leftover spagetti. Didn't read too much on the first day, but I did start Grisham's The Street Lawyer. KFC for dinner, and after the US Open ended I got to watch the Braves beat the Giants on Sunday Night Baseball.

Zane, Phil's oldest, brought his two Columbia roomates. They provided entertainment on the beach, always on the lookout for girls. They ran into South Carolina QB Connor Shaw at a nearby nightclub. The roomates chatted up some nearby girls. Later a male beachgoer had lost a bet and had to walk down the beach wearing a red, white, and blue  Speedo swimsuit. When the poor guy walked past the nearby girls, they stopped the Speedo guy to get thier pictures taken with him.

After breakfast Monday I went out on the balcony and finished reading The Third Bullet. Ceil and Matthew had come up sick on Friday, and both slept until noon. I went out on the beach, where it was cloudy most of the day. Anna and cousins Jordan and Victoria drove to Bass Pro Shop to get trendy Columbia fishing shirts. Matthew came out and we went swimming in the ocean. Read over 100 pages of The Street Lawyer.  Lunch was more leftover spagetti. Monday night Ceil's mom took Ceil, Anna, Matthew, Jordan, and Victoria out shopping, so Mr. Miller and I picked us up Chickfila sandwiches.

This summer Will's cousin Ben is working at his aunt's seafood restaurant in Holden Beach, NC. Says the work is much harder than his duties as a student manager for the Clemson football team. Isn't able to save much money (even though he's making decent money) because he's spending so much on rent and food. Sunday Ben texted a detailed list of ingredients he wanted his grandfather to buy so Ben could make the restaurant's cucumber salad. Then Ben took the salad out out the beach for everyone to taste. Ben isn't the only grandchild that cooks: Monday Anna cooked lunch for her cousins. Matthew has taken to cooking chicken wings. Monday he cooked up his own grilled cheese sandwich. For many years Will has both shopped for and cooked family dinners, grilled burgers and other meats, cooked casseroles, and helped his grandfather in the kitchen.

Upcoming food: homemade peach ice cream, the Bonefish Grille, Stephens Seafood restaurant, homemade chicken salad, boiled peanuts, and Provisions Seafood Restaurant in Holden Beach NC.

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