
Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Less TV?

I have done well not watching the NFL or any basketball the past few years, and pretty much only watch GT, UGA, and Clemson. My new cable package does not include ESPNU because I didn't want to pay an extra $120.00 per year just to watch a handful of games. No MLB or NFL Network either. I am a sucker for NBC's Football Night in America with Dan Patrick, Tony Dungy, Chris Collinsworth, Al Michaels, and Bob Costas. I watch from 7-8, but not the game. Not as into Duck Dynasty as I had been, but I try to catch each new episode at some point. No other shows interest me, except for all the Modern Family reruns all the networks are now airing. Big Bang Theory every now and then. C and A sometimes watch Project Runway, but I won't. Sometimes X-Factor or American Idol, but not as much recently as in past years.

I am so not into the Falcons that there were MM bobbleheads of players I had not heard of. I know Ryan, Julio, Roddy, Tony, the kicker and punter, and RB Jackson. Hardly any others.

When Smoltz or David Pollock pick other teams to win, they are further removed from the locker room than Chipper was.

Pat, the co-worker, passed away yesterday. She had received a gloomy diagnosis back in February and left work in early April for treatment. She had an upbeat attitude and didn't want a lot of attention. Divorced, she did have a significant other who was taking care of her.

W is coming home this evening. MC is flying in tomorrow for the long weekend. They're going to the UGA game Saturday. Even though he'll be with MC most of the time, C will feel better with him nearby. Wonder if he'll get a haircut or shave his beard.

With the increased workload that comes in ninth grade, M has struggled to complete all his assignments. 

It's about time to get Anna a car, though C will still have to run M around since Anna so often is going in a different direction. Anna is struggling with her school workload as well. A junior, her two best friends will start dual enrollment college classes in January. Anna might so the same next fall.

M wanted a phone for his birthday, but I drew the line. M is going to the fair with his girlfriend Saturday. He spends far less time with friends than W and A did.

After staying up until 1 am Monday night/Tuesday morning, it was good to take Tuesday afternoon off. I was tired. Now that baseball season is over I need to be more productive around the house and yard…and eBay and exercise more as well.

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