
Friday, July 11, 2014

Braves: Baseball's Best Record

See the Mark Bradley column about Frank Wren being one of the better GM’s in baseball? All teams have injuries, strike out a lot, and make a bad move or three. But only one team has the best record in baseball over the last 4-1/2 years – the Braves. They’re in first place, having won 9 or their last 12 (and 11 of their last 15). Even with three starting pitchers and their second best reliever out for the year. Even with the starting catcher on the DL, and a top reliever just off the DL. Even with at least three recent minor league call-ups logging considerable playing time. OK to use these as talking points the next time someone at the coffee shop badmouths the Braves.   

Went by the library on the way home Tuesday night. Checked out Don Zimmer’s first book. Also a Brad Thor book. Currently on CD 21 (of 30) of Under the Dome. I won’t finish before the beach. I was hoping Under the Dome wouldn’t be a typically gory Stephen King novel, but it is. Still interesting. When I’m down on the beach I’ll read two or three John Grisham books.

Tuesday night Matthew’s friend Sarah ate burgers and fries with us. They had spent the day at Six Flags. Sarah is so nice and fun to be around. The burgers were half beef and half chicken. Matthew and I were the only ones to eat an entire burger. To me they were on the dry side. Afterwards I cleaned up a little and drove Sarah up to the Roswell Olive Garden, where her parents ate dinner.

This past Saturday night I lost my wallet. Might’ve thrown it in the trash. Been working on cancelling credit cards and bank cards, and getting them replaced. Not fun. The biggest loss, aside from the time its taking to replace everything: vouchers for two Braves tickets. Not much cash. Might’ve been the trash at home, might’ve been at the BP, where I got gas at 10 pm before heading home. Sunday I stopped by the BP and asked if a wallet had been turned in. The clerk looked, then remembered that he had been working the night before. He knew no wallet had been tuned in. All the accounts are now cancelled. I’ve checked, and there have been no odd charges. Lost my current license, but I still have an expired license card. My current license expires in one year, so I guess I’ll renew.

One night a few years ago I was filling up at a different BP in East Cobb. I went to throw something away and there was an almost new pair of Nike basketball shoes in the top of the trash can. Size 16, which are hard to find. I know a kid with huge feet, and they were perfect for him. Since then I’ve stumbled across three more pairs of size 16’s that I got for him.

Will and Mary-Clayton went to the Little Mermaid Wednesday night. So did Edie and Claire and the girls.

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