
Saturday, February 07, 2015

Choosing a School Based on the Uniform

In his The Triangle column on, editor Andrew Sharp lists where would you play college football if uniforms were all that mattered? He makes a few good points, though I’m not in total agreement with everything he said. Evidently the guy likes orange and other bright colors, and has a strong dislike for all things maroon. I agree that in general adidas screws up uniforms, but am not a fan of the uniforms at Florida, West Virginia, or Maryland. Baylor is just an Oregon wannabe.

His Top Ten:
1. Clemson “orange AND purple is tops” I take it Sharp approves of the all-purple uni sported by teen heart-throb Cole Stoudt (above).
2. Oregon “green, yellow, white, neon, black, grey. Downside: too obvious a choice”
3. Auburn “orange but with navy”
4. FSU “gold makes up for garnet, rich sweatband history”
5. Baylor “all the shiny helmets!”
6. TCU “purple always wins. Horned frog better than Puddles the Duck”
7. Southern Cal “classic look”
8. Marshall “green more socially acceptable on alumni than orange. Had to include a mid-major. Buffalo mascot is number three”
9. Texas “athletes get lots of free gear. Burnt orange also more socially acceptable”
10. West Virginia “free gear”

Honorable mention: Tennessee, Penn State, Florida, LSU, Arizona State, Michigan, Ohio State, Maryland, Georgia, Delaware.

Bottom Five:
5. Notre Dame “adidas found a way to ruin their uniforms.
4. UCLA “don’t sign your life away to adidas”
3. Alabama “author dislikes maroon & houndstooth”
2. Missouri “combine the worst of the Steelers and Bengals”
1. Miami “gone downhill the past few year, then signed with adidas”

Author went out of his way to say no Alabama or Oklahoma because of their maroon.

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