
Sunday, June 07, 2015

Myron Noodleman Night

With C and A in Nashville, W taking his test, and M in Cumming, I had the chance to return to Rome to pick up replacements for my two broken bobbleheads. I took my time and stopped by thrift stores in Woodstock, Cartersville, and Rome before the game.
Saturday's entertainment was provided by Myron Noodleman, who with the passing of Max Pekin has become the clown prince of minor league baseball. Noodleman even had the players dancing.
Noodleman performed every other half inning and spent the rest of the time goofing around with fans in the stands. He performed Sweet CarolineDueling SignalsYMCA, sang Take Me Out to the Ballgame during the Seventh Inning Stretch, then danced a final goodbye.

I have seen Noodleman on the schedule of several minor league teams and never went out of my way to see him, but I'm glad we finally crossed paths.
I sat next to a couple of young fans for a few innings. The two boys both chirped "Nice shoes, mister!" so I complimented them on their shirts (above) that had been given away the night before. The girl was probably wondering why I was taking a picture.
After sitting down the left field line for a few innings I chatted with usher Bill, brother of my Braves BP friend Marshall. Stopped by RaceTrac for a drink refill on with way home, as well as four times earlier in the day.

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