
Friday, February 26, 2016

Whole Lot of Nothing

Friday I worked until six. Had a plate of BBQ for dinner before I left. Stopped by Bojangles for M on the way home. Watched the musical “Little Shop of Horrors.” M was spending long hours completing his Drivers Ed and Drug Awareness courses so he can get him license this week.  

Saturday AM I cleaned upstairs all morning. Ate peanut M&M’s and leftover Ruth’s Chris steak. Did Laundry. M wanted to practice driving so we went to the Lower Roswell Goodwill, East Cobb library, Taco Bell (for M), Goodwill’s in Sandy Springs, near Perimeter Mall, and Cobb Parkway. Then to four more thrift stores near the Big Chicken. On the way home we ate dinner at Moe’s. Watched the second half of GT/Notre Dame. GT is TERRIBLE and was lucky to win.  

Sunday was JFBC. Good SS lesson on anger. Afterwards I cleaned and did laundry. Baked a rising crust pizza for me and M. Mostly bread. Not much on TV all weekend. Rode with M down to Grace Midtown and later went back to pick him up.

Monday morning I got up and walked around the neighborhood. Saw three cars. I was almost home and must’ve been looking down when I heard something. Looked up and the lady from two doors down was right in front of me. Guess I better pay better attention. After eating bad all weekend my weight-in was pretty good. Ceil cooked beans and rice, and went to bed early.

I heard Golden State had a time getting to the game through the traffic and rain their busses were delayed. And there was a mouse/rat in the locker room. Lang said Coach Bud needed to take the team bowling to get them out of their malaise. I said that always worked with the Mighty Mites.
Did you see the video clip of the Ohio State guard playing defense, slapping the ground in front of him? He slapped the ground and the opponent with the ball easily drove past him. So much for being a show-off. Guess I should rename my blog "Old School."

Tuesday: another late night picking up M in Cumming. He drove through the rain on the way home. We stopped at Taco Bell for him, then at the church up the street to practice parallel parking. Was 10 pm by the time we got home. Ceil cooked a soup with steak and shell noodles, but I had eaten cereal for dinner. Gotta increase my workouts because my weight loss has plateaued.

The last 3 times I was in Cumming I topped off my tank (usually 5 or 6 gallons) at the RaceTrac on Highway 20 at GA400. $1.449 a gallon. Usually I’m not a topper offer, but I can’t resist. I hear we have some cheap stations here in Duluth as well – there are a QT, RaceTrac, and WalMart all near each other on Pleasant Hill and North Berkeley.

W&MC made the 3 hour drive down to Ft. Worth to see her brother Thomas when he visited TCU this week.

Wednesday was rough. Worked late on homework for that appointment I thought was Thursday. Got home at 8 pm and plopped on the couch. Watched The Middle. C and M and Barney had gone to Athens.

Busy Thursday. Two co-workers out. One forgot to tag his voicemails and emails with his out of office message. Then he forgot to enter an order and asked me to do it. I told him to, but by then it was too late and missed the truck.

Left just after 4 pm (right when the week-old order was heating up) for an appointment across from Colony Square. Spent the whole drive down on the phone for work. Parked and sent some work emails and texts. Walked to my appointment and learned it wasn’t until next week. I had been so busy I hadn’t read the email closely enough. Took me an hour to get home through bumper to bumper traffic. My regular commute may take that long but at least I’m moving. So many drivers think they’re so important and cut to the front of the line.

Got home and crashed. Actually I went upstairs, changed clothes, and hung up a bunch of clothes. Then I crashed. Ceil had cooked chili so I ate a bowl. She got home from the school meeting I’d missed and wanted to watch the Republican debate. It sounded like The View. When I finished working on the computer I went to bed just after 10 pm.

M passed his driver’s test Thursday, so he’s wanting to drive to Decatur for a sleepover. One more bill to pay and one more thing to worry about.

Thursday Stephon Curry passed Kyle Korver for most consecutive games making a three pointer. Curry shot 20 for 27 from the field and scored 51 points – his third 50 point game of the season. Yesterday was also the day in 1977 that Pete Maravich scored 68 points, the most ever for a guard.   

Passion City Church is always collecting back to school backpacks and books for the neighborhood kids. The youth group has a day of service once or twice a year where they spend time with inner city kids. Not sure what Jim Watterson is doing these days but this weekend his family was at a homeless shelter for women. JFBC is planning on ministering to the Syrian refugees. They also announced plans to start up a new church in Buckhead, citing all the unchurched people there. Some people totally ignore certain Biblical passages, as if they’re no longer applicable. Picking and choosing. Not how it works. Not that I don’t have issues of my own.

At Moe’s and Willys you can watch them cook the meat on the grill, similar to Waffle House I guess. At Moe’s they don’t have a freezer – all the meat is fresh. Several years ago my tyrant boss took me to eat at Firehouse Subs. Firehouse lines up all their sauces on the counter, from mild to hot. We were sitting near the hot end. There was a bottle simply marked FIRE. My boss just had to try it. He took one bite and raced to the restroom.

The longer Trump campaigns the more his true colors shine through. People wanted change in 2008 but really didn’t look closely at the candidate calling for change. The same thing appears to be happening again.

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